"Damn princess what is it with you and my belongings? If you wanted to smash something you need to let me know and I'll get some spare ones brought to you. Don't keep breaking the nice ones we use for mealtimes." Ethan's face was pulled up into a smirk and I blushed, ducking my head and taking the wicker basket from his outstretched hands

"I'm sorry... You knew I was clumsy when you brought me here." I mumbled, remembering how I'd all but thrown a scalding beverage over the Alpha in Melissa's coffee shop. A smile crept onto my lips at the memory but focused back in when that accent that drove my inner wolf crazy spoke again

"Maybe that was a part of the appeal..." His words were vague and sent a wink my way before walking past, giving me chance to inhale the cologne that drew me in every time. My knees were weak so I placed the wicker basket back onto the table to catch my breath, not trusting I wouldn't drop the glasses again. I finished cleaning up and found Louvel smoking outside the back door, the hot Salt Lake City sun beating down on the field relentlessly. My uniform was suffocating but wanted to remain professional so I kept to the shade, hoping for a breeze that never came

"Come on you two, we have to clean the warriors quarters again because they had a party last night." Adolfina appeared from the backdoor in a huff so I quickly followed her inside, Louvel trailing behind lazily

"We know they had a party Ade, we were there remember? I think I recall you being on Deemothy's lap the whole time though, so maybe you didn't notice the party going on behind you." The younger twin teased and a blush spread to Adolfina's cheeks. Deemothy must have been the older twin's mate, though she had never mentioned him before; in contrast to Louvel who would never shut up about Dalton and the late-night escapades they divulged in. I chuckled softly as the twins continued to bicker whilst we walked over to the warriors quarters, to which Louvel disappeared with her Frenchman and Adolfina sighed, turning into the vast shared bathroom which left me to clean the bedrooms. I entered the first one and straightened it up, chucking red solo cups into a bin bag on my hip; how 'American teenager' of the Salt Lake City pack. Once the first room was clean again, I moved through another several until my feet ached and the smell of day-old alcohol made my head spin. I entered the last room in the corridor but there was a man already in there; in nothing but a towel

"Oh! I'm so sorry I didn't realise you were in here. I'll leave I'm sorry." My cheeks were flushed red, and my inner wolf was on high alert, for a reason I had yet to discover. The unknown man laughed, turning to face me fully and it was someone I didn't recognise, though a feeling in the pit of my stomach told me I should be grateful for that fact

"Don't worry darlin', you haven't missed the show yet." My skin crawled at the mystery man's words, the blush on my cheeks long gone and my blood ran cold, realisation dawning on me what he really meant

"What- what's your name?" I stumbled over my words slightly, focusing all my attention on a chair in the corner of the room instead of the naked man in front of me

"Name's Grogan. And you must be Ace, the one the whole pack won't stop talking about... Damn no wonder the Alpha won't let anyone touch you." I felt his eyes, which were dark like Z'ev's, rake over my body and I squirmed on the spot, wishing Louvel would stop sucking her mate's face for a second to come and help me out.

"He'll find out... That you're in here with me..." The air was getting harder to breathe as Grogan stalked towards me; a lion toying with the gazelle. I gasped for air to no avail as he came to a halt in front of me, eyes never leaving my form.

"Not if we don't tell him anything darlin'. You need prepping before the Alpha gets his hands on you anyway." As the words came from the chapped lips of the warrior, his hands snaked around my waist and I felt vomit rising to my throat, threatening to spill all over the towel-donned wolf. I swallowed it down, my experience with Z'ev coming more in handy with each passing second as those vile lips made their way to my neck above my uniform collar. I couldn't bear to live through this again so I squeezed my eyes closed, begging the Moon Goddess for a saviour. One didn't come as a large hand tightly groped my chest and a tear slipped from my eye behind my closed lids

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