"I can assure you, Alpha. I didn't even know she was limping, We found her like this." I rolled my eyes again, fixing my glare on the older Sentinel in front of a crowd of his men

"That's bullshit, Sentinel and you know it. Which of your men attacked the rogue?" Ace's head was bowed, the same as the crowd of warriors and I smirked, this particular power trip was too good not to enjoy.

"The rogue will tell you. Go on outcast, none of my men even touched you, did they?" I glanced down at the back of Rogue Ace, waiting for her answer and tried to ignore how sick the smell of fear made me. However as the hallway was met with silence, I took a step forward and placed a hand on Ace's shoulder, to which she flinched away. Ace slowly turned to face me, fixing her stare on my shoes and I frowned, unable to decipher her emotions as my inner wolf sniffed, getting nothing.

"Take the pack to the boardroom, Sentinel. I'll deal with Rogue Ace." I spat, fixing my stare on the group of wolves who all scurried past me towards the meeting and I moved in front of Rogue Ace, who tensed up at my presence.

"Ace..." I don't know why I had softened my tone, I got all the obedience I needed from being harsh and merciless, hence why the Alpha King trusted me most. Then I was met with piercing blue eyes, shining with something I didn't quite recognise "Did someone hurt you?" The smaller rogue shook her head and I couldn't tell if she was covering for the Sentinel or not and she bowed her head to me in submission again, very obviously not wishing for this conversation to continue.

"As the Alpha, I have a useful power, you know. I can tell when someone is lying, whether they know it or not." I knew that the rogue was not from the Nevada pack, I had already asked their Alpha if he had banished her from his pack after I saw Rogue Ace in the fighting club only a few days prior. I knew she was lying, I just couldn't tell why.

"No, Alpha. They did not harm me." She shook her head hard and I felt my anger building at the blatant disrespect the rogue had shown me. So why hadn't I killed her? I had not hesitated to kill the last rogue... Was her name Lynx? No, it was Lynexa. She had sworn at me when I'd given her some orders and without missing a step I'd ordered for her execution, laughing coldly as her head rolled to my feet, eyes wide open staring through me.

"Then you are dismissed. Don't come up here again." I watched Rogue Ace limp away pitifully and something came over me, not from my inner wolf but from my human form and without hesitation, I scooped up the small woman, who thrashed about in my arms. This didn't phase me, I'd killed a Hunter who had challenged me once that had put up a greater fight than Rogue Ace was currently doing. The Hunter had thrashed mercifully at my hands but that didn't stop me from killing him, chuckling darkly as my pack watched on.

"I'm okay. Put me down, Alpha." I tightened my arms around the woman, laughing at the joke she made. I walked back towards the worker's quarters and stood still when I arrived in the hallway. This was unfamiliar territory, I knew that an Alpha had no place down here, especially as most of the workers despised me and my ways. Fuck them, they didn't understand the sacrifices I'd had to make to get here.

"Thank you, Alpha." The rogue met my eyes and I stared intensely into the piercing blue ones and that same peculiar feeling that had appeared when I saw her fight back at the club resurfaced, but I ensured a harsh glare was fixed to my face before dropping the rogue on the floor once again. I had to admit, that was a very brave move. Rarely did I get challenged by someone with a low rank in my pack, let alone a rogue who didn't even belong to one. Speaking of, which pack did she come from? Rogue Ace looked so familiar but I couldn't place it, I'd remember the pack shortly, I had to.

"Don't go into the West Wing again, Rogue Ace." I turned around and didn't look back, making my way to the meeting in the boardroom.

The new rogue is back. Get her some rest. I mind linked Raula who, as I exited the worker's quarters, had come to find Ace on the floor. As I entered the boardroom I just wanted to forget the red-haired rogue but of course, this meeting was solely focused on her arrival. Was Ace short for something? Maybe that's why she had been banished, not having a wolf-centred name like the Moon Goddess desired, she clearly wasn't a good fit for a pack. I took my place at the head of the table, and the wolves around me followed. I gazed around at the men

"Forgive me, Alpha, but why is the rogue here? We need not for any more workers around the house. We have plenty." One of the Sentinel's men spoke first and I shot him a cold glare, truthfully due to the subject of the rogue being brought up but the man took it as a warning to his actions, bowing his head to the table in submission. How was I going to explain the indescribable urge I'd had to bring her back to my territory? That I wasn't completely sure of the reasoning for my actions? The admission could cause my whole pack to question my authority and priorities as Alpha, something my inner wolf growled at from deep inside.

"As you all know, Rogue Ace will work as a jack of trades, assisting in all areas that the workers need. We found her hiding out in Irvine and I believed she was a good fit." Beta Deryn snorted aloud at my blatant lies, clearly recalling how clumsy and careless Ace had been in the coffee shop. I fixed him with a hard stare and he composed himself, forcing his expression into a neutral one

"We haven't had a new rogue in the house since Honi. How do we know the rogue can be trusted?" The Sentinel spoke now, clearly trying to demonstrate to his men who sat at the table with us that he did have some power here. Silly wolf... He doesn't know how easy it would be to snap his neck and replace his position with his equally capable son, who remained watchful at the other end of the table, absorbing the discussion. I gave the son a nod of respect from across the vast table who bowed his head in response.

"She is being closely watched by Raula, I was ensured of it. Rogue Ace will be here indefinitely until I am finished with her." The men at the table whistled at the double entendre, but my mind flashed back to her limp and I felt the anger rising from my inner wolf, also infuriated at my leadership being questioned.

"Rogue Ace stays. And no one touches her," I gave a pointed look towards the Sentinal who ducked his head to avoid my gaze "That is a direct order. Anyone who harms Rogue Ace will be punished immediately. Unless there are any other questions, this meeting is finished." I snapped, standing suddenly and leaving the table, stalking out of the boardroom and making the long journey to the far West Wing, where my bedroom and library were hidden. I was still seething with anger and jumped from the bedroom window, landing expertly on the ground before shifting and taking off into the woods that surrounded the house, howling loudly as my wolf form was positively ecstatic at the prospect of roaming free once again.

Is she settled?  I mind linked Raula, unable to help myself in my wolf form as I breezed through the tall, towering trees that surrounded me.

She is fast asleep, Ethan. I'll begin her training tomorrow. Raula replied and that seemed to settle the frustrating nagging that had burrowed into my brain for the moment. Maybe I'd encountered a pixie and hadn't realised it? That had to be the reason why my mind wouldn't leave the red-headed rogue who currently slept in the worker's quarters. Pushing the thoughts aside and reminding myself to visit a Guardian tomorrow morning to ensure I hadn't been infected by one of those annoying little mites, I focused on feeling the wind through my fur, hoping to tire my wolf form out before settling into bed for the evening.

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