Chapter 34 The Finalé

Start from the beginning

As we watched the baby sleep, Mom spoke up.


"Hm?" I said and looked up at her.

"Do you want to hold him?" she asked me.

"Yeah. I would love too," I said, sitting straight up.

As I got seated on the hospital bed, Libby walked over and grabbed a chair, sitting next to me.

I put my arms like Mom's as she placed the baby boy in my arms. I watched him as he slept in my arms where he appeared to be quite comfortable.

"What's his name?" I asked.

"Arthur Morgan Steuart," John told us.

Libby and I smiled at each other and looked back at Arthur.

"Hey Artie," Libby whispered.

Baby Arthur made a cute, quiet sound and yawned as he began to wake up. We stayed silent as he woke so that we wouldn't scare him or make him cry. His eyes opened and he saw us for the first time. We smiled at him in awe, seeing his little blue eyes look up at us.

Libby and I cooed him sweetly. His eyes blinked a couple times before he returned the smile with one of his own.

"Hey Soph, can I hold him now?" Libby asked me.

"Yeah, sure." I said before handing Arthur to Libby who held him for a while before giving him back to Mom.

A few hours had passed by and it was already nighttime. Libby and John were watching T.V. and Mom was napping. I looked to my left and saw Arthur awoke and moving around in his hospital crib, so I walked over to him and took him into my arms again. I sat on the window sill and looked outside, admiring the night sky. I kept him close to my chest, keeping him sedated with my body heat.

His little blue eyes looked out the window, seeming to be mesmerized by the full moon and a bunch of stars in the night sky. I looked down at him as he stared at the sky.

"You like the stars, Art?" I quietly asked.

Arthur looked up at me and made a quiet sound as a yes. I lightly chuckled as he looked down and saw one of my fingers near his hand. I looked at him and slowly lifted my right index finger as he looked at it before lightly grabbing it, holding it close to his heart.

"I love you, too." I smiled and kissed his head, which made him make a cute, quiet, and happy sound.

"Hey sis."

I turned around to see Libby's approach.

"Hey," I smiled.

Libby looked at Arthur and lightly stroked his arm with her finger, who then looked at her, wondering what was going on.

"Hi Artie," she said sweetly. He made a cute little happy sound as if he just said hello, eliciting me and Libby both to laugh a little.

"I guess this will be our main job," I told her, referring to the baby boy's sweet smile. "We'll have to make him happy so that he won't fuss and cry all the time."

"We? You mean you're staying...for good I mean?" she asked. Her smile threatened to split her face as I nodded.

"Well, there goes my plans for changing rooms," she joshed, earning her an eye roll.

"Girls?" said a voice from behind.

We turned around seeing that Mom was now awake.

"Can I see him?" she asked.

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