Chapter 14: Dave Miller

Start from the beginning


"What location are you—gaahhh!"

Dave yelped as he suddenly felt a spring-loaded punch connected to his abdomen. Next, he was was carried up and was now facing the direction of the door he just came and was tossed out head-first into the hard concrete ground of the parking lot.

"...Ouch, what in the... Fredbear, what the heck...?" Dave got back up quickly. It hurt, but he has felt worse.

Entering the diner, Dave was met again with the same fate of being tossed out head-first. He tried again a couple of more times and it just kept happening. He tried to fight back, but that didn't work either.

"Damn... You're good, Bearstein," Dave nodded to the bear as he saw him through the diner door, "You good. But you ain't invincible. I'll get you some day."

So, from that day, Dave tries again and again to take down Fredbear. He wish he didn't have to, but if he wanted to accomplish what he wanted to do, he was going to have to take him down.

By surprise, by using weapons, or other methods he tried, but it didn't just quite work. Soon, he decided to just gather materials for what he wanted to build in the diner as he figured out how to take the bear down.

Whether stealing, buy legitimately or from the black market, he made sure he got what he needed.

* * *

"The great elusive aubergine man has finally done it! No one can top off the genius eggplant that I am."

Dave declared as he stood in an office located underneath the Diner. It was part of what he wanted to build underneath it, and it by the way, was way deep under. The office was fully functional, being much like the Security Offices in most of Freddy Fazbender's own pizzerias; door to the left, door to the right, and then a monitor atop the desks in the middle. This office also had a vent on the wall above the monitors.

Dave observed his blueprints proudly. Along with this underground office, he managed to build an underground factory where he also created a couple of highly advanced animatronic characters! All only within the time of a couple of months, no less! His main star of the cast he made was a humanoid girl animatronic that has girlish pigtails and comes with an ice cream maker. All the robots were made to kidnap children as well.

"If only Henry was here to my genius for what it was..." A bit sadly, Dave says that as the thought came to mind, "Fazbender Entertainment definitely would take this wrong way that's out of the question. And that Phone I wanted to scare off is long dead..."

Dave shrugged, "At least you got to do it, Davey... Now let's see what that old sport is up to..." He approached the desk, and above near it on the Wall was a keypad. He pressed the numbers '1-9-8-7' in that order and the monitors that were blank until came to life and showed live footage of an interior inside a house.

"Where are you, old sport?"

The monitors showed none of this 'old sport' that Dave was seeking. This house, was the mentioned Old Sport's own. An orange guy employee who he been keeping tabs on for a while now, months to just give a somewhat clear number. Dave has gone as far as to sneak in into his house to setup cameras as well.

Old Sport had entered his house which Dave saw from one monitor and he began to focus on. Old Sport went into his kitchen to make popcorn, then afterwards watch TV as he did.

Through the monitor and through Old Sport's TV, the mention of a particular Freddy's location in Colorado needing employees to work the floor for the dayshift.

"...Colorado, is it?" Old Sport said as the ad finished its screening, "...I guess I could work there. Maybe, this coming 23rd of June, I could..."

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