IX. The Neighbors

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Everyone knew the Morgan's had a new addition to the family.

Most assumed she was one of the older boys child. Rumors as well as speculations flew.

Matt who was an acquaintance of Nathan didn't subscribe to the gossip, although like everyone else he saw the baby.

Nathan and him had gone to the same school. They were never best friends but he saw him around.

Matt looks out the window taking another bite out of his P&J sandwich. He studied the family.
The younger two Ethan and Jace took the baby outside. He snorts looking at her outfit, it's identical to Ethans
grey sweats & a white shirt he even found a beanie to go on her head.

Occasionally Matt helped Nathan with the boys and Nathan in turn helped him as well when he lost his sister in car accident a year ago and gained custody of his nephew.

Speaking of his nephew the house was to quiet for him to be up to anything good.  "Julian" he called. " Julian"
He looks over his shoulder and sees the cartoons playing but no Julian in sight,
he goes in the kitchen and sees that someone got a hold of the peanut butter and Jelly.

Julian had spilled both jars and was smearing peanut butter and jelly over the floor and counters everything under 2ft tall was smeared. 

"Julian he says "we don't play with food and make a mess, look at what you did."

Julian not understanding he did anything wrong smiles and waves at his
Uncle he says "Hi Matt. I draw " as he swipes the bottom counter again leaving another an handprint.

Matt just shakes his head.
He couldn't even be mad.

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