Chapter 2 -Put your records on by Corrine Bailey Rae

Start from the beginning

"One, a brother. I thought this game was going to be more personal?" I love learning about people, especially who they really are underneath. I have this need to learn their secrets and get in their head, even if I don't know them. And it's not because I want to use it against them. I think a piece of me does this because I need to find out if I think like everyone else. If I make the same mistakes, that piece of me just wants to find out if I am the crazy one or if it's everyone else.

"Would you like to make the questions more personal now?" Louis asks.

"If it will spice up the game why not, I've nothing to hide." I say

"Everyone is hiding something even if they don't realize it, love. But go ahead give me more personal questions. See if you can figure out what I'm hiding."

"Alright then," I pause for a moment to think, I tap the tips of my fingers on my right hand against my thumb. "You're clearly not American, what made you come to America?" I ask

"Really that's your big personal question?"

"Well it's a start!"

Louis rolls his eyes, "my mom died from cancer when I was 12 and my dad walked out before I was born, so I got adopted by my best friend's parents who moved here for a job transfer."

"Oh, I'm sorry" I don't know what I was expecting but it surely wasn't that.

"Don't be everyone goes through tough shit, but now it's my turn to ask you." He said that last part with enthusiasm, should I be worried?

"What made you become a stripper?" He asks.

"Someone's bold" I say looking directly at him.

"Just trying to win darling. Does this mean you're not answering it?"

"I never said I wouldn't answer. I am not a stripper though, it's more of a side job."

"Ok well why did you make this your 'side job" Louis says gesturing with his hands.

"My friend Vincent is the manager here and always could use extra girls." I say

"You didn't exactly answer the question."

"Yes I did." I argue back.

"No you didn't because why would you anyone expose themselves willingly to work in such crappy conditions." He says looking around the room. "I'm just saying, this isn't a good place, there are some high end strip clubs but this definitely isn't one of them. I know what goes on here, I know that you aren't the type of person to work in such vial conditions." He says and honestly I didn't think he would be this aggressive.

"You don't know me, I enjoy working here." I lied

"So you enjoy having dirty old men grab you and call you names while they stare at your body? You enjoy working in a place where you have to make sure you aren't being followed because someone could sneak up on you and hurt you? This isn't a good neighborhood, this isn't a good place, you can't seriously tell me you actually enjoy that."

Fuck he's right.

"Okay fine you're right" I admit.

"So do I get a dollar?" He asks cheekily.

"Here" I say reaching in my bra pulling out a one that I had stuffed in there earlier.

"Thank you" he smiles taking the dollar and putting it in his pocket

"Fine you won that round so here's my question, why are you at a strip club if you have no intention of doing anything with any of the girls?"

"It's complicated." He responds vaguely.

"Why is it complicated? Or would you prefer giving me my dollar back?" I ask.

"It just- It's complicated alright." I don't know why but he started getting antsy. His leg was now shaking and he kept fidgeting refusing to make any eye contact anymore.

"How could it be complicated? But you know it's fine if you don't want to tell me as long as you can admit that I win this round." I may be pushing too hard but you gotta see how far the metal bends before it breaks.

"You don't get it, I would tell you but I just can't" he said as if he was trying to coax me to change the question.

"Don't get what? I'm literally some random girl at a strip club, who you asked to lie for you. Why can't you tell me, not like anyone would believe me I'm just some random stripper, right?"

"Look I just can't tell you alright."

"Whatever doesn't really matter to me, but I will take that dollar back now"

"Fuck off" he mumbles under his breath. " you really want to know?" he asks

"Not really I just want to win and clearly since I struck a nerve, I did win." I smile reaching out my hand to take my dollar back. I know it's petty but still.

Louis brushes his hand under his nose and looks around the room even though it's just the two of us. "No you don't win, I am hiding from someone."


"That wasn't part of the question, love" he tells me, giving me a devilish smile.

I rolled my eyes because technically he was right. "Fine, but stop calling me that"

"Calling you what?"

"Love, I don't like it. It's weird." It's not that it really was weird but I don't know I just don't like how it made me feel. It's not a negative feeling I just can't describe it.

But just as I say that a brown haired boy barges in. And MY GOD he looks like he just fell straight out of heaven. He has dark brown hair that just looks like it would feel amazing if I ran my fingers through it. He has eyes that could just devour you so that you become lost in them. And fuck he just looks perfect even through he is wearing sweat pants and a hoodie, I didn't know that was possible.

"Oh sorry but uh Louis we have to go" He says and it appears that he has a British accent as well, but his voice is much softer than Louis. I wonder if this is the friend that took him in.

"But aren't they still there?" Louis asks turning away from me to face this beautiful stranger that has now graced us with his presence.

"Is this the friend that adopted you?" I interrupt, "Sorry I'm just curious"

They both just stare at me with a blank expression --oops-- until Louis speaks up, "Yeah, this is Zayn"

"Hi, seems like you two have been talking." he says with a smile and Shhheeeessshhh you know how people say 'if looks could kill' well his looks definitely COULD kill.

"Yeah we got bored and played a game" Louis tells him as I just stand there probably staring, I don't even know at this point.

"Oh well ok, but they all left the house so we have to go now. Niall's in the car waiting." He says pointing to the door.

"Alright let me just pay her." Louis says standing up and reaching into his pocket. He pulls out a stack of 20's and gives me a couple.

I look down at the money that he had given me as he was now walking out the door, "Louis wait" I say as I catch his attention. "You overpaid it was only 75 for the room plus tip, you gave me 200." I say.

"Well count the rest as a tip, love." He says giving me a wink walking away as I am now left alone in the private room.

And that's the end of chapter 2!

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