My first story lol

18 2 2

this isnt a story really im just saying hi 

i hurt my toe and it hurts :,(

doesnt Rohan look so smug in that picture? thats what i love about him lol

i like doughnuts, do u like doughnuts?



my toe still hurts :'(

wtf did my toe get stubbed on?? a brick?? 


im gonna cry 

it hurtsss

oh yeah

i have this teacher 

and he says "idk" and "lol" out loud like "i-d-k" and "l-o-l" once in math he said "i-d-k l-o-l-s"

sdaaaavavjajaggaaaaaaaa gross

ok bye

AAAAAAOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz