Does the past predict the future?

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Ponyboy's POV:
"Hey Dallas," I say.

"Hey man." Dally replies.

"I have two tickets to the driven that I'm not using, so I was wondering if you and Johnny would want them." I tell him.

Dallas and Johnny exchange a glance.

"You should use them for yourself. Dallas and I usually sneak in anyway." Johnny says.

"I told you last time, we aren't sneaking in anymore! I'm not letting you get cut up on that fence again." Dallas interrupts him.

"It was just a scrape, Dal." Johnny protests.

"I don't give a fuck. You're not sneaking in again. We'll take the tickets."

"Here." I say, handing him the tickets.

"Thanks." Dally responds.

They leave the house, so it's now everyone in the gang except for them. I don't trust Dally with Johnny. I get that Johnny is head over heels for him, but Dallas has broken countless girls' hearts. How is Johnny any different? He's my best friend and I don't want him to get hurt. I'm not going to just sit back and watch it happen!

"Can I talk to you guys? It's about Dallas and Johnny." I announce.

"Sure, Ponyboy." Darry responds.

"What is it?" Sodapop asks.

"I'm worried about Johnny. Dally has quite the...reputation for breaking hearts, and I don't want Johnny to get hurt, you know?" I tell them.

"Have you seen him with Johnny?" Steve says.

"Ponyboy has a point, though," Sodapop says, "Dally doesn't exactly have the best track record when it comes to dating."

"Exactly. Plus, how would Johnny handle it? He's already dealing with so much, Dallas breaking his heart would crush him." I add on.

"Yeah, I guess, but he's also so protective of Johnny. Would he really treat him like one of his girls?" Two-bit argues.

"Who knows! Is it really worth the risk, though?" I respond.

"What are you trying to say, Ponyboy?" Darry questions.

"I'm...more concerned for Johnny's safety than I am for Dally's feelings." I finally say.

All of a sudden, I hear someone clear their throat. We all turn towards the door to see Dallas. His eyes are so intense, it feels like fire could shoot out of them at any moment.

"Johnny forgot his jacket." Dally says, quietly.

He picks up Johnny's denim jacket carefully, folding it over his arm. The silence is deafening for a moment, until Dally's footsteps break it as he turns to leave. I feel a pang of guilt.

"Dallas, look—" I start.

"Next time, just say it to my face." He interrupts. He turns to leave. "Fucking coward," he mutters so quietly I can barely hear him.

The door slams behind him. No one speaks for a minute.

"You know, he talked to me before he talked to Johnny," Darry says, "He was so scared of Johnny hating him that he almost didn't tell him how he felt. Dallas cares about Johnny probably more than he cares about himself."

I had Dallas all wrong. I slump against the wall. I have to fix this.

"I'll be back." I say.

Darry smiles at me and I run out the door after Dallas.

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