The Deathsinger

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The newly revealed Ingressus Voltaris, set out with dark intentions on his mind. His body was bursting the seams with anger, with betrayal. Even his adoptive father denied his right to the Prime Songs. He took out his greatsword, engulfing it with flames as he set out to reclaim what was rightfully his.

"So is this what you meant by he was going to misuse the Prime Songs, he would've destroyed the Ardoni and Ardonia with them." Zulius scoffed as Achillean sobbed.

"Don't you dare speak ill of him! He is my brother... whether you-" Achillean yelled as he was cut off by Thalleous.

"Stop calling him your brother!" Thalleous crossed his arms, the pressure on his hands caused him to wince and look at his bandages.

"No! I refuse! He is still the same person that you laughed with everyday! That you trained with! He was not my brother he was our brother!" Achillean yelled as Varek clicked his tongue.

"That is where you are wrong. I had bickered with this so called "Ingressus" long before he revealed to be Voltaris. I am glad I now have a reason to put my sword into his heart." Varek said, taking out his sword and sticking it into the grass.

"Ugh! All this talk of violence is getting us nowhere! Ingressus is out there, and he is the strongest Ardoni known to man. Who knows what he could be doing right now." Zulius yelled, pointing to the way Ingressus left.

"Most powerful... Now imagine if he had the Prime Songs! He would be unstoppable, we need to..." Varek trailed off, Thalleous and Zulius looked at him in realization.

"Oh shit." Thalleous said as Achillean stopped sobbing and got up, grabbing his staff.

"Father!" He yelled as the group of Ardoni ran out of the Heart of Ardonia, towards the Masters whereabouts.

Ingressus climbed the mountain to the Masters Den, seeing the green, purple, and blue markings before even entering. He ignited his sword and charged in, the Sendaris Master gazed at him in shock.

"Voltaris!" Master Onath yelled as the other Masters turned, Ingressus swiftly killed Master Onath as the guards woke from their slumber. Ingressus swung at the Kaltaris Master as a guard staff struck his sword back.

"I always knew there was something off after you met Zulius that day." Krash said as Ingressus stared at him with his fiery red eyes. Ingressus took out his staff and shoved it into Krash's chest. The other guards ran at him as he aggroblasted them, killing them.

"Run..." Krash said as his markings faded, the Kaltaris Master tried to run but he tripped on a stone.

"Should've just let me have the songs." Ingressus said as the Kaltaris Master crawled back.

"Go to hell... monster." The Kaltaris Master said as Ingressus dug the back of his staff into the Masters chest, killing him. The Mendoris Master grabbed the Protisium Prime song and ran, Ingressus followed him out of the den, he brushed his sword on a nearby tree, igniting it on fire. He aggroblasted the Mendoris Master, knocking him down and making him drop the song.

"You call yourselves the image of an Ardoni yet you can't even stay on your feet." Ingressus said as he spun around and stabbed the Mendoris Master in the back, killing him. He picked up the Protisium Prime Song, and put the other songs away. He stared at the Protisium Prime song as he heard footsteps from behind him.

"Where do we go? He could be anywhere! The Masters Den, the Prime Villages, my fisher house." Achillean said as Varek stood next to him, the others shortly followed behind.

"If he wants revenge on your father he would go to your fisher house, I will follow you there." Varek said as Achillean turned his head sideways.

"It's a long run from here." Achillean reminded as Varek nodded.

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