Chapter 1

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Riley's POV

"I don't want to!" I complained. "It's boring and I hate them. So what good is it going to do for me? Make me miserable, that's what it's going to do." I marched up the stairs to my room and slammed the door.

I was sitting on my bed, fuming, when I got a FaceTime call from my best friend Mikayla. The one who's dragging me to this place.

"Hey! You look mad. What's wrong?" She asked completely clueless.

"Um, I don't know, maybe it's the fact you're dragging me to someplace I don't want to go to!" I snapped.

"Whatever then, Riley, don't come. I just thought we could hang out since we were going there for a few days. But I guess I can find somebody else then." Mikayla answered.

Okay, I feel like a total bitch, which I am, and terrible. I sat there for a moment pondering, do I want to go and hang with my best friend and only deal with them for half a day, or not?

"I'll go." I sighed. I only have to deal with them for like half a day to a day. Right?

She screamed. "We're going to have the best time meeting Magcon!" She screamed so much her face was red and her parents' were starting to get worried. "We leave tomorrow so start packing Ri!" She disconnected and I fell backwards onto my bed with a huge groan. I laid there for a bit, questioning my decision to go.

"Riley! Supper's ready!" My mom called from the dining room. I walked slowly down the stairs, taking my time.

"Are you still upset that we're making you go?" She asked.

"No, we FaceTimed and she said if I didn't want to go I didn't have to. But I decided I would because I felt like a total b- snob, and not a good friend." I responded.

"Well that is very mature of you. Just remember she does stuff with you that she doesn't like. Now it's your turn." My mom told me.

When I finished supper I went upstairs back to my room and pulled out a suitcase. I texted Mik to find out the details.

To Bestie💕: Hey give me some details about this trip maybe? Haha

From Bestie💕: We are going for 4 days including tomorrow so . . . It should be hot out btw! ;)

Okay, so now the hard part begins; choosing outfits! I chose 4 outfits:

1. A red plaid shirt with blue skinny jeans, and red heels.
2. A graphic tank shirt with high-waisted shorts, an aztec design tank wrap with blue fringe, and nude flats.
3. A floral dress with a tank jean jacket, brown socks, and brown combat boots.
4. A white dress with black design, black flats, and a gold necklace.

Once that was done it was time for other essentials. That didn't take nearly as long as the time it took for the outfits. "Mom!" I called.

She came into my room. "Yes dear?" She asked.

"I need you to zip up my suitcase while I sit on it." I ordered. I jumped onto my suitcase and my mom zipped it up for me. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. You should get some sleep!"

"Okay, goodnight then." I said.

"Goodnight." My mom returned to me as she left my room. I did actually go to bed, after I got ready of course.

•Next Morning•

*Beep beep* *Beep beep* *Beep beep*

I groaned and shut my alarm clock off. I rolled out of bed, literally, and onto the floor, where I sat there for a minute, too lazy to get up.

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