"That's right son, just be a gentlemen, and treat her with respect, that's how I got your mom." He nodded. "See, I got this." I nodded. "Uh huh okay, tell me how it goes." I stood up from the table, and pulled my phone out of my pocket, once I felt it vibrate.

I looked down at my screen to see a text from Amara.

AMARA(2:45PM)-We're here.

I closed the message and stuffed my phone down in shorts pocket. "Mom, Amara and Auntie Stasia are outside." She nodded. "Okay, get the door for them." I pushed my hair past my shoulders, and made my out to the front door.

I quickly unlocked it and pushed it open, just to be met by AJ's face. "Damn, you got bionic hearing or something?" I slightly rolled my eyes and pushed him out the way. "I was getting the door for Amara and Auntie Stasi."

He nodded and stepped into the house. "Ight." "...How was your mom's house?" He sighed. "The same, boring as hell, Im just glad to be back, at my real home." I chuckled as I watched him walk up the stairs to his bedroom.

"Excuse me baby girl." I quickly turned around once I heard my dad's voice. I stepped over to the side and let him in the house. "Where your moms at?" I motioned to the kitchen. "In the kitchen, cooking." He nodded.

"Alright, hold the door, Stasia and Amara getting out the car." I nodded. He looked at me one more time before turning and walking away, obviously still somewhat upset from last night. He never really gets upset with me, and if he does, he gets over it in a few hours, so I knew he had to be really pissed.

"It smells good in here." I smiled once I seen Amara inside the house. "You must be hungry." She chuckled. "Only a little, how long do we have to stay here?" I frowned. "I had no other plans today, you know how long these family barbeques be." She nodded.

"Well how long do you want to stay?" She smirked, causing me to lift a brow. "What do you got up your sleeve? I can always tell when your up to something." She laughed. "I was talking to Tyson last night after your party and he was telling me how he was gunna go hang out of this placedd called the Pit."

I frowned. "The Pit? What the hell is the Pit?" She opened her mouth to speak, but the sound of the door opening stopped her. I turned myattention to the door and stepped over once I seen Auntie Stasia coming in, holding a pan of food.

"Hey Li-Li, happy belated birthday." She hugged me with her free arm and kissed my forehead. "Thanks."

"Where's your mom?" I turned and motioned to the kitchen. "In the kitchen, cooking." She sighed. "Of course." She shifted the pan to her other hand before walking away.

Once she was out of sight, I turned my attention back to Amara. "Okay, now that is The Pit? And when did you and Tyson start speaking again?? " She sighed. "He called me around 12 last night and wanted to meet up, but I'll tell you about that later, he was telling me The Pit is this place him and his boys go to hang out, it's like a place where they park and hang out."

I sighed. "And let me guess, you want me to go with you." She nodded. "Yeah, I mean I heard AJ was going with Tyson, so you should come with me." I sighed again. "Ok I'll go.....under one circumstance." She lifted a brow, waiting for me to speak.

"Tyree has to come with us." She slightly rolled her eyes. "Really Li? Why does your boo have to come with us everywhere?" I smirked. "Because one, he's my boo, and two, Im not tryna get hit on by any of them guys tonight, if they see me with Tyree, they won't even approach me." "I guess your right."

"What y'all out here talkin about?" I turned around to see AJ walking over to us. "The Pit, Me and Li are goin tonight with you and Tyson." He frowned. "Wait hol up, how y'all know about that?" Amara rolled her eyes.

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