The Forced-Kissing-Bastard, Dio

622 24 73

Revised: June 2, 2024

Chapter 1 🍃

Could you even remember the last time that you've tasted such sweet freedom?

Of being given the privilege to stroll the trails near your home without an overbearing chaperone? 

It was something so simple, yet so refreshing from the usual mundane day. Admittedly, you felt a bit dumb for being so grateful for such a small, stupid thing. Though, that didn't stop you from wholly enjoying every moment of it. With a cherished book in hand, the hours seemed to pass by like seconds.

. . . had it been too much to ask for? Did you unknowingly commit a sin so great that the whole universe wanted to punish you for it? Surely, that had to be the reason why you could never have even one day of peace.

It began during the lead-up to dusk with some wild cheering that arose from the path nearby. You paid little mind to the noise at first, since your ears had gotten accustomed to hearing all sorts of people traveling along the path. Sitting behind a tree gave you the unusual opportunity to eavesdrop on lots of common folk gossip.

Eventually, though, the cheering evolved into gasps. Strange, but it still didn't phase you much. It was probably just a group of boys roughhousing with each other. Right? Just to ease your paranoia, you finally peeked around the tree. That's when you caught sight of the spectacle.

It would be impossible now to walk away with a guilt-free conscience, you currently having the displeasure of witnessing the alarming scene- a boy hunched over a young girl, forcing their lips together with no regard to the girl's thoughts on the matter.

How dare he not honor that lady's dignity?

You stayed planted where you were, desperately wishing to avoid getting mixed up in the situation. Even then, the rumbling deep in the pit of your stomach refused to let this girl suffer alone. 

Instead of running away, you kept watching, waiting on the chance to do... something, although you hadn't the slightest idea on how to help.

Wait, is this just some sort of love quarrel? When the thought occurred to you, all the bravery from a moment ago instantly turned to doubt. The realization made you feel awkward and intrusive, the same way one would feel if they walked onto a stage in the middle of a play.

However, the uncertainty of misinterpreting the situation quickly vanished when you heard her. The poor girl, her muffled voice was crying out while she tried to escape the boy's clutches. She even managed to tear his shirt open in the process! The boy's emotions weren't visible as he smothered his lips against the girl's, his only distinguishing characteristic being his blonde hair. From behind, two obnoxious friends roared him on.

This was inexcusable.

It infuriated you.

... yet clenching your fist in anger was really all you could do.

When the boy finally took his hands off the girl, he tossed her to the ground like trash. He didn't wait a second more before making utterly disrespectful comments and spewing nonsense that you lacked the context of.

That's when you caught sight of the distance between the two of them, and how there was now enough room for you to try to stand between them. Your eyes flickered around the area near your feet, a futile attempt to try and find an object to fight or defend with. There wasn't even a stick on the ground! After thinking it out, you realized that a stick would hardly be enough to scare off nearly-teenage boys. What could you even do with it? Say something like 'leave the girl alone or I'll poke your eyes out?'

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