“Yes but from what I heard, they have already replaced you and your other general.”

            “I see.” He looks down. “So who is going to replace your general?”

            I stiffen for a moment. Connor notices my silence and looks up at me curiously.

            “What?” He asks.

            “Nothing. Um, they are deciding right now and have a person in mind. They are going to test that person and see if they are suited for the job.”

            “Well, I hope you don’t find it rude but I do hope you don’t find a good general.” He smiles.

            I laugh.

            “I would be surprised if you wished us good luck. It’s understandable since you are the enemy.” I say.

            Connor’s smile falters.

            “I hope that one day we can all get along. I really do want to be with you Anna.” He says honestly.

            Seeing the honestly in his eyes makes me stop breathing for a second.

            “Well I believe we will. Just have faith Connor. I would love to have you around too.” I smile at him reassuringly.

            He grins like a little boy.

            “I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels that way.” He says.

            “Me too. And I bet there are more people out there that are just like us.” I say.

            Connor looks at me and something in his eyes change. He leans in and reaches for my hands. I let him take them, knowing he won’t do anything to me.

            “Anna, I-“

            All of a sudden, the door burst open and in comes Officer Russell. He looks at me, then Connor, then our hands, and then back to me. He clears his throat. I try to tug my hands from Connor’s grip but he tightens his hold. I turn to Officer Russell.

            “Yes Officer Russell?” I ask.

            “Sorry to disturb but I have something to discuss with you.” He turns his attention to Connor. “It will only be a moment and then you can go back to talking.”

            Connor reluctantly releases me. I get up and before I close the door, I give Connor a reassuring smile. I turn my attention to Officer Russell. Before I can ask anything, he hands me a file. I open it up and see pictures. Terrible pictures.

            “France is having a little quarrel in their country. It seems the citizens want to stop this war. The government didn’t take the riot too lightly and used the rioters as a warning to the rest of France. They lined them up and made them kneel. They blindfolded them and shot them right in front of the other citizens. Everyone is too afraid to go against them now. I don’t like it. I don’t think the president would have done this. Something’s fishy. I think someone is controlling him or even worse, took him out of the equation all together and took control but I don’t think anyone knows.”

            I look at the photos of the people about to be shot. I notice woman and even children kneeling, ready to die. No. They weren’t ready to die. They just had no choice. They just wanted the war to end and the government wasn’t willing to listen. How could they do this? What is going on in France? I look back up at Officer Russell.

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