Training and sacrifices

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(Y/N) prepared herself to go jogging, it was earlier than usual, but she needed to get her head free. She had been thinking about Satoru and how she would train with him without giving away her ability to fight. But she had come to no conclusion. She only hoped by the time she stood before Satoru she would know what to do.

Satoru had just arrived by her apartment when she was leaving. He got enthusiastic because it wasn't usual for her to get this early out, but after an hour of following her, he was disappointed. 'Doesn't look like she is going to meet someone...'

As the time passed (Y/N) got thirsty and that's when she noticed she had no clue where she was. She had been lost with her thoughts and ended up somewhere she didn't know. But she had her phone with her, so she wasn't worried. Before going home she bought a water bottle in a convenience store.

Back at home, she didn't feel like cooking, so she just prepared some instant ramen. She sat on her kitchen counter while eating.

'Should I buy a table and some chairs?' she thought to herself. 'Nah. If I manage till now without it, then I will make it until I'm gone again.' Her budget was small, so every money she could save was welcome.

She didn't feel like going out again, so she decided to take a nap since she had slept less than usual. She was woken up by her phone ringing. Disoriented as she was, she didn't even look who was calling, so she answered with a "hello?".

An enthusiastic voice talked back.

"Hi, Yuna-san. Are you busy right now?"

"Satoru? Ahm, no, I was taking a nap actually..."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I hope I didn't wake you up." He surely didn't sound apologetic...

"No, no, it's alright." She couldn't suppress a yawn. "So, what's up?"

"I was wondering if you would like to train with me now, as we talked yesterday."

She could feel how her worries from the night and the morning came back in an instant. She wasn't expecting him to ask her so soon. But he would probably be suspicious if she refused. But still, she said:

"I have been jogging in the morning, so I'm a bit tired."

She wasn't tired, she had kept a slow pace because she wasn't paying attention. If she would go any faster, it could be dangerous, like that time she sprained her ankle by falling down the stairs.

"Now you sound like an old lady. Come on, I will go easy on you. I even put my couch to the side so we have enough room." Satoru had thought for some time where they could fight. He couldn't take her to the school because of the protective barrier. He had thought about her apartment since she had so much unused space, but her floor was hard... He had a fluffy rug in his living room that could serve as a mattress. And if she would be reluctant to train with him, maybe the prospect of having a chance to go through his things at his place would change her mind. He wasn't disappointed when hearing her say.

"It seems you really took some time to think about it. I didn't think you were serious when you asked me... Well, send me your address and as soon as I'm ready I'll go meet you."


'Why does she take so long?'

Satoru was tired of waiting for Yuna. He had stopped his surveillance when she got ready after his phone call. He wanted to prepare things at his apartment for their training, but it passed way more time than what she would need. He had his phone in hand, pondering whether to call her or not when the ring of his doorbell stopped him. He opened up the building door for her and waited till she came up.

Evil spirits (Satoru x reader)Where stories live. Discover now