Chapter 5

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Cora could not stand the dark haired, dark eyed manservant. He stared at her every time they passed each other, seating her at the table made his fingers brush against her back. She sincerely believed that he would try something more, if he caught her alone, but who to tell? Catherine did not see him, their father would do nothing, and the earl...

The Earl.

She sighed. How could she tell her host that his servant was making her feel uncomfortable? Yet, she really had no other option.

Please, God, let the earl believe me, and not blame me for this.

Cora knew by the servant's whispers that the earl was in his office every Tuesday at 3:00, encouraging his staff to come to him with any questions at that time. It was unheard of for a man of the peerage to allow his servants direct access to him, even more unheard of to provide chaperones for any maids who needed an audience.

She tapped on the door, and listened. "Come in," she heard the earl say, and she opened the door, standing in the doorway and gazing at her feet.

"Edmund, please go fetch the head housekeeper as a chaperone for Miss Cora," the earl said softly. Cora moved to the side, keeping the door open as Edmund moved past her silently.

Cora did not meet the earl's blue-gray eyes until he spoke. "Miss Cora. What brings you here today?"

"I have a few questions about the servants," she said simply. "Forgive me, my lord, but I have never seen a system such as this among the peerage."

"A habit I picked up at St. Andrews college," the earl answered, unoffended. "The instructors found it easier to have certain hours to have the students come forward with any issues that came up. I find that by doing the same, a lot of problems get addressed more quickly than if I were to simply allow my head housekeeper or valet to handle things on my behalf."

"That makes a lot of sense," Cora said after a moment. "By allowing the servants to come to you directly for an hour once per week, they feel as if they are heard."

"Indeed," the earl confirmed, studying her closely. "How far did you get along in schooling, if I may ask?"

"My sisters had private tutors. My sister Catherine's tutor allowed me to sit in on a few lessons, and I was allowed to use her old books. Her tutor taught me the beginnings of drawing and painting, but I am not as good as I would like to be."

The earl looked fascinated. "My sister was very gifted in drawing. She was also very smart, and somewhat blunt with her words."

That sounds just like me. "I believe that she and I would have become good friends, had she lived."

"Perhaps," the earl murmured. Nodding at the valet and the head housekeeper behind her, he motioned for them to come in. The head housekeeper closed the door, and Cora began to tremble a bit. Her nerves were going mad.

"Now," Earl Leighton said. "Miss Cora, I believe you have a concern to bring to my attention?"

"Yes," Cora began. "There is a manservant who is being...inappropriate. I cannot speak for anyone else, but he...he..."

"Miss Cora, I cannot help you without knowing what is the matter." The earl was kind but firm.

Cora nodded, breathing deeply. "He looks at a man might look at a lover."

"That in itself is not grounds for dismissal."

Glancing at the head housekeeper, Cora noticed a strange expression. Guilt? "He has touched me as well. I know all servants are different, some touch more than others. His behavior, along with the touch, makes me believe that it is all deliberate."

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