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1. Please give me up to 72 hours to reply! I do full time work AND school at the same time, so sometimes when I get home I fall asleep for a bit before replying.
2. Literate roleplay only! I ask for 3-5 sentences at least, just so I can have enough to go off of. I'll match your reply length as long as it's nothing too short.
3. If I play your crush you play mine! It's only fair that way.
4. If you come up with ideas for our roleplay along the way just tell me OOC!
5. Use brackets to talk to me OOC, such as () [] {} //.
6. Please start us off, especially when you DMed me first or wanted to use one of my plots.
7. Message me if you ever leave Wattpad for a hiatus, so I know you're still interested in the roleplay but just away.
9. If I haven't heard from you in a week and you didn't inform me of you leaving beforehand, I'll send you this ♟ to check in on you and see if you're still interested in our roleplay or wish to end it.
10. If we ever end a roleplay never be afraid to start a new one with me! We could even do multiple roleplays one after the other.
11. Don't be shy to DM me first! I love starting new roleplays, whether they're my ideas or yours! All I ask is that you have an idea in mind or you have a plot of mine picked out when messaging me.

The password is: 🕸

Black Butler RPWhere stories live. Discover now