Chapter 7 :)

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XXX Helloooo, i'm back, because apparently one a.m is a good time for inspiration or something, anywayy, sorry for taking so long, school has me dead, even though I don't pay attention and I am currently failing everything, anyway, I hope u enjoy the chapter, byee XXX

Luna's p.o.v
Luna was sleeping peacefully, enjoying the last moments of sleep before her alarm would wake her to go to school. Luna however, was shaken awake, it was someone softly shaking her, whispering her name slowly.

"Luna, lunaaa, Chica Delivery, wake up, you gotta get ready"

Luna was shooing the person that was disrupting her sleep, but as soon as she heard that damned nickname she bolted upright and came face to face with no other than the king of the rink, Matteo Balsano himself looking at Luna with his signature smirk.

"What.The.Hell" Luna said, both irritated and nervous, she found that her newfound crush on the boy sitting at the edge of her bed wasn't helping much with the nerves.

He broke into laughter, which just made her even more confused and made her stare at him dumbfounded.

"I'm your ride today, and for the rest of your time in the cast, no need to thank me." He said smugly. "So, get changed, have breakfast, do whatever you need to do, i'll wait by the kitchen, take your time." Was the last thing he said to her before he left her room, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

Which, if you were wondering, were somewhere along the lines of:
- How am I supposed to spend alone time with him in his car? I can barely breathe when he's near.
- Speaking of, he smelled nice today, like the ocean.
- His hair also looks great, I mean, it always looks great, it looks curlier today, I wanna run my hands through it.
- He looks really good in his uniform too.
- WAIT, El Chico Fresa was in my room. EL CHICO FRESA WAS IN MY ROOM AHH.

If you hadn't noticed already, her thoughts were eating her alive.

Luna realized he was still waiting for her in the kitchen, so she bolted up, standing up, just to fall back down on her bed. Stupid Cast. She thought to herself she stood up once again, being careful about the cast she had forgotten was there in the first place, she got dressed as quickly as she could and grabbed everything she needed for the day, hoping she wasn't forgetting anything which was extremely likely to happen. When she walked into the kitchen she saw her mom laughing, which Luna then realized was caused by Matteo, who smiled softly at the girl when he saw her walk in. God, that smile would be the end of Luna Valente, if she let it be, but she wouldn't. She would survive two weeks with the king of the rink, she could do that, it couldn't possibly be that hard, luna thought to herself.

Matteo's p.o.v
Matteo Balsano had discovered months ago that Luna Valente's laugh was his favorite sound in the world, nothing would be better than her laugh, that soft, beautiful sound that came out of her, but there was something Matteo liked even more.

When he was the cause of the beautiful sound.

And right now, as they sang along to One Direction, he hoped that sound would never leave him, that he wouldn't have to live another day without hearing it.

"I DON'T CARE WHAT PEOPLE SAY WHEN WE'RE TOGETHER" Luna shouted, well sang, really, really loudly, as she pointed at Matteo to join in on the song.

He gave in, how could he not? You didn't see the irresistible puppy eyes she was giving him.

"YOU KNOW I WANNA BE THE ONE WHO HOLDS YOU WHEN YOU SLEEP,I JUST WANT IT TO BE YOU AND I FOREVER." They both sang, not knowing that the other meant those words wholeheartedly.

"I KNOW YOU WANNA LEAVE SO C'MON, BABY BE WITH ME SO HAPPILY." Matteo finished off, singing as loudly as he could, meaning every word, because he was completely head over heels for the small girl that was jamming out right next to him.

"One Direction will forever be legendary" she states, still catching her breath, cause singing along to Zayn Malik was harder than people thought it was.

Matteo just nodded. "Their hiatus was just painful." He stated, as they arrived at school. She just nodded, opening her door and getting her crutches to get out of the car.

Nina quickly noticed the two arriving, the way her friend was acting around Matteo, the way her eyes held a certain sparkle that wasn't there before, the smile she wore from ear to ear, she looked happy, Nina thought to herself, Her friend looked happy, that was enough to make a smile appear on Nina's face.

Gaston noticed it too, he saw how his best friend looked at the small girl next to him, how he held her so delicately when he helped her out of his car, the adoring look never leaving his face for a second, always smiling, Gaston hadn't seen his friend this happy, and he was sure his friends' sudden happiness had to do with the green-eyed girl.

Ambar noticed it too, the adoring way they looked at each other, their chemistry in and out of the rink, her relationship with Matteo never reached that spark, the spark that ambar often found when she caught them stealing glances at each other, she was honestly happy for them, they had both struggled a lot, so for them to find each other a safe place in between all this chaos made Ambar glad.

The two walked into school, him carrying her backpack over one shoulder, and her telling him that it wasn't necessary for him to do that, but he just wouldn't listen.

What they didn't notice however, was that they were trapped in their own little bubble, not paying attention to anything or anyone else, it was just them two in their little world.

They both liked it that way.

XXX I hope you enjoyed this chapter, the format's a bit weird cause I usually write in my computer but I had to write in my phone now. I started HIMYM, idk if i'm continuing it, and im obsessed by deja vu by Olivia Rodrigo, also, yes, if u couldn't already tell, i'm a directioner, x.o.x.o, gossip girl XXX

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