1.) When we First Met

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I had it all figured out. My career, my life, all of it. I was set and ready for life, all the challenges that were ahead. Then he came along. Karl. Jacobs. The chaotic boy who loved everyone and is obsessed with monster. I guess I should start from the beginning.
It was a rainy day but the waves were perfect for surfing, so I went to the beach and the weather didn't stop me. For a while I was crushing it and having the time of my life in the waters of North Carolina. But about an hour into surfing I ate it on a wave and that made me call it for the day. I walked back to shore and I saw him. He was just walking but something about him made me drawn to him. I felt the need to walk up to him but I couldn't be one of those people who just walk up to you and ask for your number. That's weird. I needed a plan and I had to act fast.

I quickly ran in front of him and with my water bumped into him spilling half of the water on him. He reacted with a slight jolt like I startled him. I said sorry and ran to get some napkins. It was getting dark and cold so when I started thinking about what I did I started to actually feel bad. I tried to help him clean it up and apologize but he kept saying it was fine and that it was his fault for not looking. After we ran out of napkins I went to get more but it was starting to get dark and he said it was fine he will just go home and change. Now I really felt bad. Why did I do that I thought to myself.

"What is your name?" I asked

All of a sudden I got butterflies. I was so scared. But then he said it. Karl Jacobs. That's his name. "That's a cool name." Know I sound like a suck up. Fuck. What the hell is wrong with me.

"What's yours?" He asked. "Oh my name's Bee. I know it's weird." I skewed it up " No, that's actually really pretty." Oh my god, he thinks my name is pretty. Here come the butterflies again. I feel the redness in my cheeks. "Thanks! My mom loves bees so she thought it would be a cool name." We stood there talking for about five minutes "Hey, do you think you can walk me to my stuff since it's dark" I didn't realize how dark it's getting. "Yeah, for sure." I felt embarrassed, I was still in my surf gear. We walked to my stuff but the walk was silent, but comfortable, for me at least. Once we got my things I made the bold decision. "Can I have your number?" I instantly regretted it I felt like a stalker. But then. "Sure! Give me your phone." He said yes. This doesn't mean anything though. He maybe just agreed so I can leave him alone or he might want to just be friends. He definitely at most just wants to be friends. "Well I guess I will talk to you later!" I said and we left it at that.

At about 12 AM

I couldn't stop thinking about him. How funny and pretty he was. His laugh was so cute. I wanted to text him but it was so late I didn't want to seem weird. Anyway I was starting my new job tomorrow so I needed to get some sleep anyway.

Karl's POV 
I wanted Bee to text me call me FaceTime me. Which ever one. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I wish I gave her my phone so I could be the first to text her but- The loud ping of my phone cut my thoughts off and I wanted it was a text from her. I checked. Jimmy. Why Jimmy.

Hey man I just wanted to let you know that we are filming Tomorrow and there is going to be a new person there so make sure to be nice!:)

                                                                      For sure man                         
                                                 I will see you tomorrow.

I wasn't going to sleep I was a wake for another hour just thinking about how beautiful Bee was. She obviously likes surfing and that is just amazing in itself. I wonder who the new guy is going to be tomorrow. Finally I went to sleep at like 2AM coming to terms with the fact that Bee most likely isn't going to ever text me.

The next morning I got up and got ready for the new video. Which I didn't even know what we were filming. But when I got there I wasn't expecting what I saw.


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