"I suggest that in the future when you plan to rummage through my things like an insolent little pack rat, you pick a friend that is much better at lying than that stuttering gray girl." The loud, booming voice of Wilhemina Venable came across the room, freezing Anastasia in her spot. She was ducked behind her desk, hands frozen on what she thought may have been her file.

Dammit, she thought. Taking a nervous breath, the girl stood from her shaky knees, eyes locking into the intimidating woman from across the room. "Ms. Venable, I can-"

The sound of her cane cracked down loudly against the floor as she slowly began walking towards her, causing the girl to flinch slightly. "Not once since we have been down here have you not shown your precious little face at mealtimes." Her voice became louder as she grew closer to Ana.

"If your plan was to fool me, child, I suggest next time you choose a more significant tactic." Anastasia breathed nervously as Venable stood a few feet away from her, the woman's cane almost touching the tip of her heel. She wasn't exactly afraid of Venable, more curious. The woman in the past never harmed her, hardly ever even raised her voice. That always made the girl wonder. Venable never had a problem with yelling at anyone else, so why was she always more calm with her?

"Now, do explain why you felt the need to sneak behind my back and look through my things." The tall woman looked down on her.

Anastasia broke eye contact, feeling anxiety bubble in her stomach. As much as she liked to pretend she was brave, she didn't like confrontation. "I..I..uh."

"Speak!" Venable raised her voiced, causing another flinch from the girl.

"I wanted to see my file!" Ana snapped, turning her body to snatch the file she had placed on the desk. "I'm tired of being lied to all the time! I'm tired of everyone looking at me like they're...afraid or that they don't trust me. You've been lying to me since the start, Venable! I want answers!" The words poured out of the girls lips before she could stop herself. She was never one to yell, but she was so fed up with everyone's bullshit.

Venable had a small smirk on her face at the girl's outburst. She had never seen her snap before. Composing herself, the woman stood up straighter, taking a step closer to the girl. "You think I'm lying to you?" She questioned, face glowing from the candles that were lined up against the walls.

Ana breathed loudly through her nose, her chest heaving against the tight purple gown she wore. "Sit down." Venable sneered with venom, cocking her head to the leather chair that sat by the fireplace.

Staring at her oddly for a few moments, Anastasia slowly walked to her seat with clenched fists, not wanting to anger the ginger woman further. The room was silent as Venable grabbed the file of the table. Ana watched her carefully, anxiety and anger bubbling in her chest. It felt like an adrenaline rush, finally standing up for herself.

Slowly, Venable approached her seat, standing a few feet away from her as she held the file tightly in her hand. "You want to see your file? Fine. Have a look." She tossed the thin file harshly into the girls lap, causing Ana too look at her questionably. Was it really that easy?

Forcing her eyes to look down her lap, her shaky fingers tore open the file. She held her breath at the words she read.

Name: Anastasia Lorraine Grey
Sex: Female
Height: 5'8
Weight: 130 pounds
Eye color: blue
hair color: brown

She read over the words again and again, mouth gaped open in shock. She looked up to Venable with narrowed eyes, looking back down at the paper to flip it over and examine the back. Scoffing, she looked back to the woman. "Where's the rest?" She shook her head.

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