The Feast

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Harry's POV:
It was about 7:30 when I woke up from my nap, Thankfully Madam Pomfrey cleared me from the hospital just in enough time for the feast. I grabbed my glasses and stood up from my hospital bed, ready to leave. Then I remembered...Kiara. I thought it would be nice to see her since I still felt a bit guilty about her accident. When I walked to her hospital bed she wasn't there. Where is she? I then saw Madam Pomfrey and thought I should ask her. She told me that Kiara was released earlier from the hospital which made me sign in relief. I quickly thanked Madam Pomfrey for her help and ran towards the Gryffindor common room.

"Caput Draconis." I said, the portrait then swung open allowing me to step inside

When I entered the common room it was peaceful and quiet, not loud and busy like usual. There were only about five people in here, I'm guessing everyone went to the feast early. I looked towards the couch to see my brown bushy haired friend, along with my redhead friend and my wavy dark brown haired friend as well. Even though I could only see the backs of their heads I instantly knew it was them. I walked towards them and leaned against the couch.

"Doing alright Ron?" I asked



"Never better!"

"Kiara, how are you?"


Thank Merlin Ron and Kiara are fine, I'm glad they're safe. I was a bit surprised that they didn't hate me for dragging them into this. I really do have the best of friends! I sat down on the arm chair next to Hermione while Kiara and Ron sat on the couch, Kiara's head on Ron's shoulder. She looked tired even though she practically slept the whole day, I hope she really is spectacular. We all started talking about how we managed to pull it off, defeating Quirrell. I told them everything that happened including Kiara until we got to the part of her accident. Since she found it hard to continue, I helped her finish.

"Guys the feast is about to start!" Hermione exclaimed as she rushed to her feet

"Why go if Slytherin gets all the praise?" Ron asked even though it sounded more like a statement.

"Ronald don't be a sore loser." Hermione said

We all walked out of the common room heading towards the goodbye feast.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵ ♆

I was seated at the Gryffindor table waiting for the feast to begin. After what felt like an hours Mcgonagall clinked her cup with a spoon for our attention. Dumbledore then rose and cleared his throat.

"Let the feast...begin." He announced

Just like the beginning of the year all the tables filled with food. Ron didn't waste any time digging in. I piled all sorts of things on my plate but I noticed something rather odd.

"Kiara why aren't you eating?" I asked

Ron and Hermione stopped eating and payed close attention to the topic of conversation.

"Um I'm not that hungry." She said

"Pfft you not hungry, that's hilarious. Good one Kia." Ron laughed

Kiara just sat there not laughing, I guess it wasn't a joke.

"I told you Ronald I'm not hungry!" She spat

"Alright I heard but food will definitely make you less cranky." Ron snapped back

We all turned our attention back to our meal. I was about to shove a peace of chicken in my mouth when Hermione spoke up.

A change in heart~Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant