Say What Now?!

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Three hundred years later, the infamous Santa Claus, or as they call him North, was making an ice train.

It went around the track that was created pretty quickly, only to fly in the air towards the door.

One of the yetis had burst into the room, breaking the ice train, screaming in a language I believe only North understands.

Both were sad over the train, the yeti more embarrassed than sad. He did break it after all.

"How many times have I told you to knock," North asked, only to get bad news from the yeti.

"What," he muttered, "the Globe?" He grabbed a knife from a hidden spot and immediately went to look for himself.

The big man shooed the tiny elves away, slightly making fun of their pointy hats.

When he stood there many lights started to stop glowing.

"What is this," North questioned quietly. Soon the lights all started to fade out.

Black sand abruptly started to swarm over the globe, making a slight burst of wind flow through the area.

North's eyes widened in shock, nothing like this had happened before. The sand then shot above the globe and exploded in the air.

Looking for where it all went, a dark shadow flew past their feet. The sand created a figure that floated around the room, its laugh was terrifying, to say the least.

"Can it be?" North questioned but then turned to one of the most idiotic elves. "Dingle! Make preparations, we're going to have company," he looked back to the globe then grabbed a handle, and turned it down to push it in.

What we know as the northern lights, soon spread out across the area.

Toothiana looked away from the little girl's teeth, to worriedly look at the colorful lights. Soon flying in the direction they had come from.

While Sandy was busy with kids' dreams, he looked behind him at the lights. He soon created a plane made of sand and flew to the place as well.

A giant rabbit, which in respect would be called a pooka, hopped quickly down a tunnel with many different exits. He soon came out of the snow, to make sure he had come to the correct place.

"Aw it freezing," he exclaimed, suddenly hugging himself. He then quickly started to hop to the buildings a ways away; all the while screaming about how he couldn't feel his feet.

"The boogie man was here," North told with wide eyes, " at the pole!"

Tooth gasped, "Pitch? Pitch Black?! Here?!"

"Yes, there was black sand covering the globe," he told animatedly. "Wh-What do you mean, 'black sand?'" This didn't sound good to Bunnymund, not at all.

"And then, a shadow-" he was suddenly interrupted by Bunny. "Hold on, hold on. I thought you said you saw Pitch?!"

"Well uh, not exactly," this agitated Bunnymund. "Not exactly?! Can you believe this guy," he asked Sandy, trying to at least get him on his side.

But Sandy just formed a question mark over his head, "Yeah you said it, Sandy."

"Look, he's up to something very bad. I feel it," he paused for added effect, "in my belly!"

"Hang on. You mean to say, you summoned me here, three days before Easter, because of your belly?!" During this entire meeting, Bunnymund had been holding an egg and a paintbrush, decorating one with the little time he had.

"Like, if I did this to you three days before Christmas-" "Look Bunny, Easter's not Christmas." Bunny let out a sarcastic chuckle, "Here we go."

While the two were fighting, they had failed to notice the moon making its way into view.

Sandy had tried to get their attention, even Tooth wasn't trying to listen to Sandy fully. The sad thing was, that Sandy couldn't even speak.

And after many attempts, Sandy was over. He grabbed a poor elf by its hat and shook it violently.

The noise was alarming, and everyone looked over at the little man.

Sandy made a moon symbol and pointed at the actual moon. This made North look, and he chuckled.

"Ah! Man in Moon," he said with excitement. He turned back to Sandy, "Sandy, why didn't you say something?"

Sandy angrily pushed his fists down, and sand went out like steam from his ears.

"It's been a long time old friend," North shouted to the moon, "What is big news?"

The light got brighter over the guardians, and a shadow was formed of Pitch.

"It is Pitch," Bunny said, looking over at North. North, with a proud smirk, patted his stomach.

"Manny, what must we do," North asked in a whisper.

A crystal was brought from an opening, and the moonlight was shining brightly through it.

"Uh, guys, do you know what this means," Tooth asked in shock, looking at all of the men.

"He's choosing a new Guardian," North said in shock, in awe of the huge crystal.

"What? Why," Bunny perplexedly asked.

"Must be big deal. Manny thinks we need help," North said through his Russian accent.

"Since when do we need help," Bunny asked, and honestly very offended.

"I wonder who it's gonna be," Tooth exclaimed. She was hoping it was going to be another girl, the testosterone was too much for her to handle by herself.

A form was slowly taking shape, but it was strangely not just one figure. But, two.

"Jack Frost," North said, with his eyebrows raised. "And Mother Nature," he said, looking at the woman floating beside him.

The baby tooth fairy squealed in delight. They thought Jack was attractive, but also because they love Y/n.

"Uh, I take it back. The Groundhog's fine," Bunny said, right before he saw the figure of Y/n.

When he did though, he smirked.

Their opinion of Jack wasn't always the nicest.

"As long as he helps to protect the children. Right," Tooth said with nervousness.

"Jack Frost," Bunny asked outraged, "He doesn't care about children!"

"All right? All he does is freeze water pipes and mess with my egg hunts," Bunny continued to complain.

He proceeded to call him names when North interrupted him, "Guardians."

"I could see Y/n being a wonderful Guardian, but not Jack. Jack Frost is many things, but he is not a Guardian," Bunny finalized.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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