Chapter 19: Betrayal

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"Are we going somewhere, Kurapika?"

The blonde peered up at you with an unreadable expression when he heard no trace of accusation in your voice. "I mean... it makes sense and all. It just feels kind of sudden, I guess. I sort of got used to the place." With a click the handle on the suitcase latched into its extended position. "Welp, once more unto the breach, I suppose. Ey, Kurapika?"

"Indeed..." He spoke blandly, palms splaying over the sofa table by the door, hunched and not facing you. When you turned the handle and he made no motion to follow suit you pursed your lips and let it shut. "...So I guess we're not leaving yet?"

"One of us is..." He mumbled under his breath.

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" You glanced over to Melody by the nightstand, who was already wearing an uncomfortable grimace. Kurapika regained your attention once more with an explanation.

"F/N... When... all of this began... I... thought you were strong enough to assist me. It's clear I made a miscalculation. You're... dismissed." You felt chilled at first by the cold and detached way he addressed you, then slightly chafed by the insinuation of the comment.

"...You do realize I don't actually work for you, right?" You sassed him and leaned so you could see the side of his face. He furrowed his brows tightly at the wood and you softened. "Look, I'm really sorry I worried you, Pika, but-" You reached out to touch his hand but he lurched it away as if your fingertips had burned him.

"Just so you don't misunderstand again, I'll rephrase... Our partnership is dissolved. Whatever words you choose to describe this arrangement, it... has come to an end."

"Wait... You're serious..." You stared him down as the room fell hushed and heavy. Your stomach churned with nausea, and the air seemed to slowly creep from your lungs, as if it were being pulled in braids from the back of your throat. The same creatures pulling were also clawing, etching the inflammation of panic there in its place, and a sick sort of pressure was building behind your eyes. This cloud of severity hung so thick and tangible in the air that even the cruelty in Kurapika's demeanor faltered for an instant.

"If... If you need help, I can give you enough for a deposit on a nice place outside the city. Anywhere you-"

"You really think I give a shit about your money, Kurapika?!" He didn't answer, nor would he turn in your direction. "Why do you do this?!" You yelled but the blond didn't flinch. His posture only stiffened slightly, a monumental soul of stone. "Why do you act like you're always alone when you're not?!"

"I pretty nearly was, wasn't I?!" At last he swung to face you head on, snarling. "You think this is some kind of game?! This has always been a matter of life and death! Not only were you careless enough to run off and get caught, you almost got yourself killed!"

"Do you not think using myself as bait was part of the plan, you idiot?!" It wasn't. "We found one of their members because of me! You should be thanking me!"

"I saved your life." His voice simmered with low lethality. "Consider us even. And that's if I'm being generous..." Drops of ruthless red paint seeped into a sea of two vantablack voids as he stared you down. It was exactly as Melody had said; Kurapika had lost himself.

"You heartless bastard, how can you be saying these things to me?! Have you forgotten all we've been through together?! All the times I saved your reckless ass?! ... All the suffering... I endured for you?" Your voice broke and once more the blond turned away, this time to hide his pained expression. "Look at me, dammit!" You grabbed him by the arm but he swatted you away.

"I have enough power to fight on my own now! You're nothing but a liability! A burden!" In contrast to Kurapika's thundering roar, a tiny squeak came from the corner of the room. Melody was covering her ears now, physically recoiling from the clashing storm. It was clear that more than just the volume of your voices was affecting her. Kurapika approached you, looming tall and condescending, before gesturing to the scar on your arm. His face twisted into a visage of scornful disgust. "I have no use on this mission for damaged goods." He hissed it like a snake, teeth bared and venomous, and you let out an involuntary gasp. Melody winced before you even reared back and gifted Kurapika a harsh smack across the face.

Kurapika/Reader: Twelve StepsWhere stories live. Discover now