all four guys in the vc, including tommy, bursted out laughing. you quietly planned your funeral.

"prolly cause he is."

a rather 'jack manifold'-sounding voice interrupted the laughing fit, doing a terrible job at trying not to laugh at their own comment.

"oh fuck, you are wilbur aren't you...?"

you sank further in your seat, tommy would laugh at you later after this.

as the laughter started to die down, you began to flush and felt yourself grow more heated. now you've embarrassed yourself in front of tommy's friends, who you assume are also going to be well-known streamers, with one of them being the attractive man that is wilbur soot. good job.

"u-um.....tommy why did you pull me into a call with twitch streamers...none of them know basic math."

you stammered, hoping your comment would draw the attention from your obvious nervousness.

"hey! i'll have you know that I absolutely aced all of my maths when I was in college and primary school!"

the guy you assumed to be jack manifold retorted, causing you to giggle.

"oh, sorry Y/N, wilbur, jack, and phil are in this call.. i don't what the fuck logarithmic repression is, but they're old so they might!"

you sputtered a bit at the mispronounciation.

"did you just say repression? it's regression!"


the initial anxiety of being starstruck melted away, and it felt oddly natural. the banter in the call along with the rather chill atmosphere around it all gave you a sort of comfort... and it was nice.

"oh! are you having trouble with regression in logarithms? i can help, i actually liked doing logarithm equations... this is phil by the way."

"oh, yeah i just don't know what to do at all.. my teacher didn't really explain it well and I don't know the equation even is."

you sat up a bit straighter as phil continued to walk you through it, going through one of the questions as he explained the different equations needed and how to set them up. the other three in the call kept quiet as you learned, and you even started to smile once you finally understood.

" for when I get to -23.183 = -7.625 ln(x), I have to divide it by -7.625... right?"

"yep! then after that you put ln(x) into a logarithm, and if you round it like it says you should get x≈21!"

you entered the answer, quickly double checking before smiling.

"it checks out! thank you phil, I literally had no idea what I was doing but this really helped clear it up."

"no problem, if you need any more help with logarithms just shoot me a dm!"

the call lay quiet for a bit, before jack cleared his throat.

"so... what was that about streamers not knowing math?"

you let out a loud laugh, quickly going through the rest of your equations.

"yeah bumble, kinda a hypocrite now huh?"

"shut up tommy, you didn't even know what a regression was!"

you shook your head, taking a sip of your monster before turning the worksheet in. what a bunch of idiots you all were.


"alright, good night!"

"goodnight y/n!"


"was nice meeting you!"

you logged off the call and turned your pc off, shuffling over to your bed before cuddling under the comforter.

you and all the other guys had ended up staying on call for a total 7 hours, getting to know each other before dabbling in a bit of CS:GO, then at the 7 hour mark you finally decided to call it a night and said your good byes.

you scrolled through twitter as you began to grow drowsy, before a discord notif buzzed your entire hand.

curious, you clicked the notification and found yourself faced with your's and tommy's dm.

@TommyInnit 🟢

TommyInnit today at 22:45
hey I'm sorry if I kinda scared you
when I pulled you in call with wilbur and them all
you seemed kinda nervous at the beginning, so sorry bout that

bumble bitch today at 22:45
it's ok!!
i was just kinda caught off-guard lol
also, tommyinnit apologizing!!??!

TommyInnit today at 22:45
shut up
i just thought you were mad at me

bumble bitch today at 22:45
i'm not mad at you dw

TommyInnit today at 22:45
don't aww at me I am a big man looking out for his big friends

bumble bitch today at 22:46
tommyyy 🥺🥺🥺

TommyInnit today at 22:46
ffs why'd I even bother
oh also
are you ok with me calling you Y/N in front of other people or on stream?
I don't want to like make you uncomfortable or something

bumble bitch today at 22:46
idc tbh
you can call me Y/N whenever you want :p

TommyInnit just now
goodnight Y/N

bumble bitch just now
goodnight tommy :)))

you let out a sigh, resting your phone on your chest. you stared up at the ceiling as your body buzzed with euphoria, the thought of tommy caring about you was nice. he was probably the first real friend you'd had in a while.

you gasped slightly at the the thought.

friends. you were friends with tommy.

you hummed happily, turning onto your side as you felt sleep sink into you.

you finally had a friend.

.: {🐝} :.

idk math i'm gay so don't quote me on that
also sorry if anyone seems out of character, i honestly don't really like this chapter but I hope you all are enjoying the story so far :>
have a good day now, remember to hydrate, love you all!!! <3

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