Year 1 - Bad Blood

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"Harry talking"
"Draco talking"
"Hermione talking"
"Snape taking"

*Harry's POV*
Once dinner was over our head of house showed us to the common rooms.
"Welcome first years. This is the common room where the other Sytherin hang out and on Sunday nights were have house homework time. This time is not allowed to be missed and if you don't have homework you are still supposed to be there and help out others in your year. We are one house and any problems will be solved behind closed doors. We are not trusted by other house so each have to have each other's backs. If the problem can't be solved between the people involved then you are to come to me not any other teachers. My door is always open to students who need my help. Now the main rule is; Lights out at 10 on school days and 12 on weekends. If you have questions ask your prefects and if they don't know then come ask me. Now everyone to bed."
Snape is nothing like what my mother said he was. I guess it's cause of how things ended with my mother. She said that she forgave him but everyone she went to tell him that Dumbasadoor had to be there. Once he is done talking he tells us to go to bed and as I walk by him he sees me and frowns. I'm going to talk to him tomorrow and maybe get rid of this bad blood between him and my father. My father never wanted to be mean to him but of course Dumbasadoor had other plans. Anyways I walk with Draco to the dorm we share. Unlike other houses there are only two people in each dorm. Once there I ignore Draco thinking about what my mother and father wrote in thier notebooks about Snape. Once I'm dressed I climb in bed and fall asleep quickly.
~The Next Day~
I wake up before Draco and get ready. I don't bother waking him seeing as it's 4 in the morning. Breakfast doesn't start till 6 so I have two hours to kill. I decided to go to the library. As I walk out of the common room, I run into someone. I look up and see Snape. "I'm so sorry sir I didn't think you would be awake at this hour."
"Well I am Mister Potter, what are you doing up at 4 in the morning"
"I normally wake up this early in the morning and it's a force oh habit now. I decided to go to the library while I wait for breakfast to start, sir"
"Why don't you come in to my office there are things I will to talk to you about."
We walk in silence to his office. He opens the door and points for me to sit in the chair in front of his desk.
"As you know Mister Potter I am one of your teachers. However, I'm not going to spoil you just because your 'The Boy Who Lived'.
"To be honest sir I wasn't expecting you to teach me any different. I just want a normal school life like every other kid here."
"Very well Potter but do not think you can get away with breaking rules. Just because your in my house do not think I won't give you detention ."
I nod my head in understand and he sign that we wanted me to leave. I get up and walk over to the door. Before I leave I turn to him.
"My mom forgave you by the way and my dad said he was very sorry about what he did to you as a kid and they both wished they could have said something to you before, you know."
I walk out the door before waiting to see what he said.

*Snape's P.O.V.*
I stare in shock as I hear what Potter said. Not only did he not expect to be spoiled but how did he know that his mom forgave me. I need to talk to him again. I'll just ask him to stay after class today. That's the plan.

*Harry's POV*
I walk away from Snape's classroom. I'm hoping he will talk to me and maybe we can get rid of this bad blood. I go to the library and spend a lot of time there. About 6 I start walking to breakfast and as I pass by a group of Gryffindor's and I hear the red head, ron I think, talk about how there was something hidden of the third floor. I guess Dumbasadoor said something about it last night cause I was not listening to anything he said. I didn't stop and ask what he was talking about. I don't really care. Ooh I should ask Draco if he wants to sit with Hermione today. I walk into the the diner hall and go over the Draco.
"Wanna go sit with Hermione at the Ravenclaw table?"
"Sure why not. I haven't talked to her since we got sorted."
We walk over to Hermione and see her reading a book. I go and knock on the back of the book and she looks up at us.
"Mind if we sit with you."
"I don't mind I would enjoy y'all's company. I don't have any other friends here yet."
We sit down and start talking about how we settled in and how we like out houses so far.
"Harry where were you this morning. I woke up and you were gone."
"Oh I woke up at 4 and didn't want to wake you so I went to the library till breakfast."
"Oh your the one I saw in the library. I went there before breakfast and saw someone sitting in the back. I didn't know it was you or I would have gone and said hello."
I just laugh and continue to eat my food. The food here is not as good as mu aunt's food but it will do I guess. I'll have to write to her and see if she will send some cookie. I'll share with Hermione and Draco so they can taste some of the best cookies in the world. Not long before breakfast ends, Snap walks over and heads us our class schedule. We share our classes and and found out we don't have any classes together. We have all classes with Gryffindor except Transfiguration which we have just Sytherin. This sucks we won't be able to have out again till lunch. Well Draco and I have to get to potions. We say goodbye to Hermione and walk down to the dungeons and walk into class. We sit together in the front of the classroom and waited for Snap to come in. Oh I can't wait for my first class. I've dreamed of this day since I was 7 years old.

~1149 words~

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