Year 1 - 'The dark Lord' or Tommy

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*Tom's POV*

How does this kid know about me!!!! I want to know how he knows. I tell Quirrell to let me to the front.

"So kid how did you know it was me in here?"

The boy just looks and me and smiles. Who the fuck smiles in the presence on the dark lord. This kids surely is a mystery.

*Harrys POV*

I smile up at Tom and I can see the anger and confusion in his eyes. I decide I'm going to have some fun with this.

"Well for one my name isn't kid, It's Harry Potter. Two that's for me to know and you to find out at a later date. Three the reason I called you here is because Snape here as learn the wronging in his ways and wishes to join your side for good."


Tommy yells my name as he pulls his ward out of his holder but the moment he points it at me his wand goes flying across the room. Tommy and Snape both look at me with wide eyes but i just shrug my shoulders.

"Okay that was rude and so uncalled for. If i wanted you gone i would have told Dumbasadoor about you being here. But he probably already knows. Now we have a deal to make Tommy"

"Dont call me that and what deal are you talking about?"

"I'll call you whatever i want thank you very much. As for the deal, well you see, i get you the stone so you can get a body back and you let Snape and I join your ranks."

"No way, i can get the stone myself."

I stare at him deadpan and then turn to Snape.

"Why would you want to work for this man again?"

"Once upon a time he was a nice guy who wanted change for this world"

i turn back to Tommy and repeat my deal for him. After staring at each other for several minutes he finally agrees. I return his wand to him and he goes back to his office.

"that was stressful"

I turn to Snape and tell him goodnight as i walk away to go to bed it's really late and knowing Draco he is most likely still awake waiting for me to come back. I walk into the common room and to my surprise i see Draco sleeping on the couch. I walk up to him and carry him up to bed. Once he is asleep in his bed i go to mine and lay down. I decide to go get the stone this weekend which is still a few days away so i have time to plan how i will get the stone. i fall asleep knowing i have DADA tomorrow and im really looking forward to it.

I wake up the next morning and Draco is still asleep. I look and see what time is was. 4 am, meh might aswell get up I won't be able to go back to sleep. I get you and go to take a shower. By the time I'm don't getting ready it's 4:30. I decide to go to Tommy's room and see what he is doing. Quietly I go over to Draco's bed and left him a note saying I'll be in the library when he wakes up. I then leave and head to Tom's room. I walk the halls till for about 10 minutes and knock on the door to Tom's room.

*Tom's POV*
I'm quietly reading in my room when I hear a small knock on my door. I get up and go open the door and see Ha-Potter standing there.
"What do you want Potter."

"Hello Tommy, I was wanting to talk to you."

"Well I don't want to talk to you. So off you go."
I go to close the door but something stops me. I look and see that it's Harry. Fuck why do I keep wanting to call him by his first name.

"Well you may not want to talk to me but I want to talk to you so..."

I roll my eyes but let him in anyways.

"What do you want Potter."
I see him go and sit down in a chair and he motions for me to sit aswell. I sit down across from him on the couch.

"For one I want to be on good terms. If are going to be on the same side then we should get to know one another."

"I guess we could get to know one another since I don't have a choice."

We talk about nothing and everything for hours it seems. It felt nice to talk to someone who doesn't just follow me but wants they same things as me. Soon Harry- whatever I'll call him that in my head I guess- gets up and says he needs to meet the Malfoy heir in the library and that he can't wait for my class. I watch him leave with a skip in his step. What a strange boy he is.

"He is not what I thought he would be. Can't believe I'm saying this but I look forward to working with you Harry."

*872 words*

Sorry its short and the long wait I've been super busy and can never find the time to write anymore. I'll post as much as I can. Thank you for everyone who is reading and has read my story for. Thank yall for staying with the book. I love a of yall.

What About Me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora