Her eyes were full of concern. It's understandable, I don't think she's seen me cry since my father's funeral.

"Niall and I broke up." I blankly state.

Her expression changes, and the look of pure shock has taken over her face. "W-what?" She stammers.

I confess everything to her, starting with Niall being seen with Emily in Japan and ending with the phone call last night. I was careful not to leave out any details. The only thing I didn't mention was the things that Niall said to hurt my feelings. Regardless of where he and I stand, I don't want my mother to think badly of him.

The look on Mum's face remained the same throughout the entire time I was speaking. Her expression slightly changes at the mention of Tommy's involvement, but I can't tell if her reaction is good or bad. There was no way for me to tell what she was thinking.

I've always thought that I was somewhat decent at reading people, but I'm completely thrown.

"Oh, Béatrice." Mum sighs, trying to grasp everything I just dumped on her.

"It's a break, but we're definitely broken up." I explain, "He's free to see other people."

Mum pauses for a second, "And that's what you wanted?"

"No." I admit, "But I was just upset and then he said something mean, and well... here we are."

She quietly chuckles, taking a sip of coffee to try and hide her amusement. "You've always had quite the temper."

"I just wish I wouldn't have said it. I didn't mean it." I say, "But I think time apart without having the pressure of tour will end up being good for us."

In the months leading up to the beginning of Niall's tour, we spent practically every moment together. I basically lived at his apartment. We were together all the time. To go from that to not seeing each other for months evidently took its toll on our relationship.

Time apart is what we need and, thanks to last night's events, it's what we're getting.

Niall's tour ends at the end of November, just a little less than two months away.

I can handle two months.

When he gets back to London, he can decide if he still wants to be with me or not. For now, we just need space from each other.

"Can I say something without you getting upset with me?" Mum asks.

Here we go, Jacquline Lange is about to rip me a new one.

"Sure," I answer.

Mum pauses, "I think he's been the best thing to happen to you. Your father would have loved him."


Later that day, after I had calmed down about everything that had happened in the past twenty-four hours, Mum went to work at the boutique leaving me alone and bored in the house. The stray cats that wandered in the garden were nowhere to be seen, I couldn't find the keys to my car, and there was absolutely nothing to do.

After minutes of trying to talk myself out of it, I check my social media accounts for the first time in weeks.

The first thing I see when I open Instagram is a post from Niall with "Flicker World Tour 2018" in giant bold letters.

I almost tossed my phone aside at the initial sight of "tour" and "2018", but I couldn't stop myself from reading further into it. My eyes naturally drift to the caption.

"I am delighted to announce that I will be back on the road in 2018 and I will be joined by the incredible Maren Morris! 2018 is gonna be a good one!"

The dates start in March and span well into September. Niall will be gone for seven months on tour, again. He'll be getting home just in time to leave again in a few months.

How are we supposed to try and make this work?

How are we supposed to try and make this work?

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

I owe y'all multiple apologies. First, I am so sorry for how messy this chapter is. Second, I am so sorry for how long this horrible chapter took me to write. And lastly, I am sorry for putting y'all through these last few chapters.

The next chapter will have a bit of a time jump, so be prepared for that.

I love you all so much! I know many readers were upset with me after the last chapter, so if you're still here, know that it means the world to me. I'm also working on creating accounts on Twitter and Instagram for Wattpad-related posts, so keep a lookout for that.

I hope to see you all very soon. MWAH!

Heartbreak Weather | Niall HoranUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum