Attack Not Good!? Attack Not Good!!

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Hanami: Okay! For our next ranked battle, we got the newcomers Hyuga and Hikari Hizashi taking their shot at Free De La Hoya!

Hikari: (Groans) So that's what it's like... going up against a Legend.

Hyuga: All righty, Hikari! It's time for us to go-all out from the get-go!

Rantaro: Hold it!

Hyuga: (Yelps) What's up?

Hikari: What's the hold up?

Rantaro: You saw Selena and Hikaru's battle, didn't you? If you want to defeat Free, you're gonna need a plan.

Hinata: Hyperion and Hyrus spins clockwise and they both have different types.

Selena: If you go and attack without thinking, you'll be begging Fafnir to absorb your spin.

Hyuga: Well, then, I'll knock it outta there before that happens!

Hikaru: (Gasps)

Rantaro: That's some big talk there. Well, if that's your plan, then send him flying!

Hyuga: You got it! He won't even know what hit him!

Hikari: Just watch us, you guys!

Free switched Fafnir to Absorb Mode.

Valt: (Gasps)

Akane: He's going to use Absorb Mode

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Akane: He's going to use Absorb Mode.

Valt: Like that, Fafnir can absorb energy from any direction, huh?

Hanami: Whoo-hoo! Let's get this ranked battle rockin' and a-rollin'!

(Crowd cheering)

Hinata: Make sure to win this, Hikari!

Hikaru: Take 'em down, Hyuga! You got this!

Hikari: I'm ready to rank up! You ready, Hyuga?!

Hyuga: Oh, yeah! He's gonna go zoomin' outta here!

Free: There's no point in battling against you, and I'm gonna demonstrate why.

Hyuga: Huh?

Hikari: What do you mean by that?

Free: You're brother was asleep, wasn't he?


Hyuga: Hmm?


Hyuga: (Snoring)

(End of Flashback)

Hikari: That's right. You were sleeping while we were meditating!

 You were sleeping while we were meditating!

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