Damsels in Distress

Start from the beginning

"Yeah well sorry to disappoint you." Scabs snapped as he lent against a wall behind Rose. "We've got our own problems." He scoffed which caused Rose to give him a look of disapproval.

"Don't start Scabs." Rose snapped without turning to look in Scabs' direction. "Wait outside. Me and Hyker will discuss the next steps." Rose told the rest of her team, and without any argument they secured their helmets and left the command centre. "Commander Thorn." Rose introduced herself as she looked at the five standing around the map as her team left the command centre. "Beside me is my Lieutenant, Hyker." Rose gestured towards the rather large intimidating man as she placed her helmet on her hip.

"I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, and this is Anakin Skywalker and his padawan Ahsoka Tano. The two clones you see are Commander Cody and Captain Rex." Kenobi introduced.

"Well now that the pleasantries are out of the way we can get down to business." Rose smirked as she adjusted her helmet that sat on her hip, Hyker doing the same. "I take it you didn't get the communication about that battalion you so kindly asked for." Rose informed looking between the two jedi.

"No clearly we did not." Kenobi said as he placed a hand on his chin in thought slightly stroking his beard in the process.

"Right well I'll tell you what it said." Rose said as she displayed her own map from her wrist comm. "What you're looking at is our home being attacked. All of our forces are engaged in battle or protecting the facilities and the capital." Rose explained.

"You should count yourselves lucky we're here." Hyker spoke up bringing the attention of the room away from the battles playing to him. "Commander has had to leave the battalion to come here and help. Not forgetting the fact that we're basically disobeying our Council by coming to your aid."

"Who are you under attack from? And I thought you was aligned with the Republic." Ahsoka spoke up receiving disapproving looks from the two Jedi masters and amused looks from the two unknown soldiers standing before her.

"We call them the growth." Rose sighed as she paused the video on one of the creatures. "Damn near impossible to kill."

"Looks worse than a Gundark." Rex commented causing Hyker to let out a heart chuckle.

"Oh buddy, you don't know the half of it." Hyker replied as he glanced at Rose who didn't hold the same amused look. She subconsciously rubbed her hand over her armoured right forearm where she had a rather old scar from a previous run in with one of the Growths brutes.

"We don't align ourselves with neither of the Republic nor the Separatists. Short version, we're not involved in your war." Rose answered bringing her hand away from her forearm and turning to answer Ahsoka's question. "But seeing as General Plo Koon and Commander Wolffe sent me a message requesting aid on your behalf, well here we are." Rose informed the group which caused Obi-Wan to smile softly, but Anakin and Ahsoka just looked even more confused.

"Wait, you know Master Plo?" Anakin asked Rose who nodded.

"Yes. Him and Commander Wolffe sent us aid a few rotations ago on some bloody suicide mission our council sent us on." Rose answered swiftly before looking back at Obi-Wan ready to continue with the strategy. "So, what's the plan?"

"Well, seeing as you're all we're getting." Anakin spoke up sassily causing Hyker to roll his eyes. "General Kenobi and Commander Cody along with the 212th will be leading the assault here." Anakin started and pointed to a location on the holo-map. "We are going to need at least two of your men to help Obi-Wan to push through that barricade." Anakin stated as he zoomed the holo-map in on a rather large fortification that the Separatists had in place.

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