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(Sorry I just love that scene)

Y/n pov-

    We found a way to get Norbert off to Charlie so that Hagrid wouldn't be sentenced to Azkaban for the rest of his life. I'm glad Malfoy never had enough courage to tell somebody about him.

Unfortunately for us Ron left his note from Charlie in one of the books Malfoy stole. And we were expecting him to walk up the astronomy tower in an attempt to catch us red-handed.

   Hermione and Harry and I headed up the steps under the cloak. All of us carrying Norbert in his cage.

  "What're you doing?!" Came a voice from a few steps in front of us. We all froze in our tracks thinking we'd been caught until we saw 2 figures standing before us.

   "Professor McGonagall you don't understand! Harry Potter is going to be here! He had a dragon!" He exclaimed.

   But she didn't buy it for a second.

  "Mr. Malfoy don't be ridiculous! 10 points from Slytherin, now come with me." They walked away and we continued on our way.

   We waited for Charlie's friends to arrive. When they did we strapped up Norbert and we all happily headed down the steps. Not only are we home free but we managed to get Malfoy into some trouble.

   "Look at what we have here!" Came a nasty voice.


  Good Godrick. We left the cloak up on the tower.

   "You're going to McGonagall!" He said smiling nastily and walking us to her office.

Time skip to McGonagall's office.

"What were you thinking?!" She yelled.

"50 points from you three each! And luckily just this once no points will be taking from you Neville! Including the fact that you will accompany them in detention. You do not try and find someone and explain their wrong doings by breaking the rules! I have never been this disappointed in fellow Gryffindors. Now off to bed all of you!"

The following day at breakfast.

We entered the halls ready for the ugly looks directed towards Harry, Hermione, Neville and I. (Not really much towards Neville though!)

They came even before we entered the hall. And not just from the Gryffindors. Apparently Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were upset that now we put Slytherins in the lead.

  Slytherins were throwing us smirks and 'we owe you lot for the wins'. It was infuriating to say the least. We went from being adored to being hated by everyone.

   We sat down and silently started eating our food. Until we received letter from McGonagall saying we had detention tonight.

Time skip to detention.

  "What's he doing here?" I said not hiding my attitude.

   "Shut up Diggory. It's your fault I'm here!" Malfoy said trudging in front of us close to Filch.

  Hagrid then came out of his hut and explained that he was going to be taking over our detention.

  "Oh thank Godrick!" Harry whispered so only I could here him!"

"We will be splitting up. Hermione, Neville, and I will be one group.. and Fang, Malfoy, y/n and Harry will be another. Remember we're looking fer unicorn blood!"

   We continued down the path Hargrid instructed us to follow. 

"I'm tired!" I said leaning my head onto Harry's shoulder.

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