~A Moment~

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Cedric pov-

It was a week before we go on Christmas break and all I could think about is how y/n was doing. It's not like I can just wait for her in the common room. She's not a Hufflepuff. 

I see her sometimes in the Great Hall and once in a blue moon we meet at the Astronomy tower after hours or go to the kitchen and talk. But it's not the same. I just wonder if she's going to come home along with me. I heard that Ron and Harry were staying so I really do hope she doesn't. I would force her to come home if she decided to stay. But I know mum and dad would tell me I'm being ridiculous.

"Mr. Diggory!"

I was immediately snapped out of my thoughts when Professor McGonagall was in front of my desk.

"I've have called for you 3 times. What on earth is distracting you Mr.Diggory?"

"Nothing professor."

"Very well. Back to class. So children, as I was saying...."

But I tuned her out again as I continued to think of what my sister was doing and who she was with.

Y/n pov-

After about 25 minutes of class I was off to work in potions. I loved potions but it appears that Snape isn't too fond of me.

For some reason he has a sort of hatred built up for Gryffindors. Maybe because he was in Slytherin and they have always been the biggest enemies.

His hatred however is far worse with Harry. Which of course is horrible for him, but I'm a little grateful it wasn't me.

But unfortunately, I was partnered up with Harry today. He lucked out because I know what I'm doing and I understand how to follow directions.

But Harry....

well let's just leave it at that.

"So now what do we put?" He asked rather boredly.

"Nothing. You don't put anything. I will do it you stir. I am actually trying to get a passing grade." I said briskly before continuing to chop and throw things into the cauldron.

"You're no fun. I thought were the cool mini prankster who is always running around with Fred and George! If I'd known you behave like this I would've just gone with Hermione. She's not even this bossy."

"Hey. First of all, I don't join in on their pranks I just talk to them. Something about how if they get caught my brother would probably murder them. But I'm sure that there is some other reason behind it. And Harry don't you compare me to Hermione. That's scary. No offense Hermione." I replied while shooting an apologetic smile towards Hermione who just glared right back at us.

"Offense taken." She responded bitterly. Continuing to shoot us a deadly glare. But she quickly turned back to Ron and scold him for continuing without her proper supervision.

"Oww" was all I heard from him as she smacked him over the head before looking over the page of her book and beginning to stir.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Neville what is this. You call this sorry excuse a potion? 5 points from Gryffindor for not following directions. Now empty out your cauldron and try again." Snape said harshly before turning to the class.

"You now have 10 minutes to submit your potions. And they better be acceptable."


Time skip

Harry pov -

It's finally supper time. Hermione was skipping to study in the library for Merlin knows why. She's ahead in every class. I entered the hall to see y/n sitting there with Ron across from her. They were in deep conversation until I walked up from behind her and put signaled Ron to remain silent so I could scare her. Ron glanced up at me for quite a while and I was sure he had given me away. But I suppose whatever y/n was talking about was keeping her from noticing.

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