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*1 Month Later*

I slipped into the kitchen and snatched up some food. I had learned pretty quickly that most of the crew hates me. They didn't like the fact that Ogord decided to take me in as his daughter. Other than that it's the best thing that could have happened to me.

Much better than the life of a slave. Although I'm not too happy with the funny suit they shoved me in. It's a bit itchy, but Ogord says I have to wear the suit to signify who's crew I belong with. In case I get lost or something he said.

"What do you think you're doing?" A voice barked.

I sprang in the air and whirled around. I stared up at the crew member that dropped me my first day on the ship. I shoved the fruit I took in my pocket and darted under his legs. Lucky for me I'm small and fast, so I got away pretty easily. Or that's what I thought anyway.

"TJ, get over here, now!" Ogord bellowed.

I froze mid-run and fell into a bunch of boxes. I yelped when one landed on my head. I rubbed the sore spot and stood up. I giggled and ran toward my room.

"TJ, come here!" Ogord shouted again. "Damn kid, c'mon."

I was snatched up into the air. I flailed my legs as I was tucked into someone's side. I looked up and saw Ogord staring down at me. I giggled again and pulled the fruit I snuck out of my pocket. I bit into it and hummed as the flavor exploded on my tongue. Ogord sighed and heaved me over his shoulder.

"Captain that's not how you carry a child!" Martinex shouted. "You carry them like this."

He took me and placed me on his hip. I continued eating my fruit and stared between the two. Ogord sighed and nodded. Then he carefully took me back and placed me on his hip. Martinex nodded and walked back the way he came.

As soon as he was around the corner Ogord tossed me back over his shoulder. I heard him mumble something about a bath. I instantly squirmed around but his grip was iron tight. I whined and started kicking my feet.

"Nice try kid, but what Martinex doesn't know is this is the best way to do this." Ogord stated. "Besides, you need the bath, I ain't gonna let you stink up my ship."

"I don't stink!" I shouted. "Lemme down I don't wanna bath!"

He huffed and kept walking. I whined and grabbed at the ship walls. Ogord stopped and pulled me off the wall. He tucked me to his chest and looked at me. He had a small smirk on his face. Then he started tickling me.

"Oh no, nononononono!" I exclaimed. "N-No, st-stop... th-tha-at's... n-not... fa-fair!"

"Are you gonna behave?" He asked.

I huffed and nodded grumpily. Ogord chuckled and started walking again. He reached his room and walked in. Then he prepped the tub in his bathroom. After he had everything set he looked at me and nodded towards the tub.

I stared from it to him. He folded his arms and waved for me to move. I grumbled under my breath and watched as he walked out. I sighed and slipped out of my clothes and jumped into the bubbly water. I squeaked when I was surrounded by a wall of bubbles.

"Finally, I'll put this stuff in the wash and... TJ where are you?" Ogord asked. "Shit, Martinex said to add that bubble shit, I'm never taking his advice again."

"I'm right here." I replied.

I was yanked out of the water a few seconds later. A towel was wrapped around me and Ogord drained the tub. He huffed and looked down at me. To my surprise, he started laughing.

"Shit kid, come on we gotta rinse you off." He said.

He picked me back up and rinsed out the tub. Then he plopped me in the clear water. He turned away as I finished cleaning up. After I cleaned up I decided to have some fun. I scooped up a lot of water in my arms and splashed it at Ogord.

"Watch it you little shit!" He shouted. "Oh, you did that on purpose."

I laughed as he reached in and splashed me back. That started a splash war. After about ten minutes Ogord grabbed a dry towel. I stood up and he wrapped the towel around me. After he had it secured he picked me up and placed me on the tiles. He led me to his room and motioned to clean clothes.

"How do I put this on?" I asked.

"Oh man, okay here, I'll help you." He muttered.

He helped me into the clean clothes carefully. After I was dressed he picked me back up and carried me out of his room. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked around.

"Now, you feel better don't ya?" He asked.

I grumbled and nodded. He chuckled and rubbed my head. I slowly leaned my head down until it rested on his shoulder. I felt him tense up a bit, then he relaxed and adjusted his grip. I looked around and saw some of the crew staring.

"What are you idiots looking at?" He asked.

Martinex chased the other crew members away. Then he walked over to us and stopped by Ogords side. He reached over and patted my head. I grumbled and swatted his hand away. Ogord chuckled and adjusted his grip again.

"I'm gonna put her to bed." He said. "Go and keep an eye on the ship."

"But I'm not tired." I whined. "I'm not *yawn* tired."

I snuggled into Ogords shoulder and shut my eyes. I heard him chuckle and shift me around. Then he started walking, I just barely heard a door open as he walked. Then I felt something soft under my back. Ogord had placed me in the hammock I use to sleep, hanging in a corner of his room.

I felt a blanket cover me and some kind of stuffie tuck under my arm. Then I felt my hammock start swaying. Ogord started humming as I swung around. I blinked my eyes open and saw him standing near his bed. He had changed into his sleep clothes and was sitting on his mattress.

"Close your eyes T.J." He scolded.

My eyes went wide and I quickly thumped my head back into my pillow. I shut my eyes and pretended to sleep. Ogord chuckled and I heard him shift around. After a few minutes I heard Ogord start snoring.

I slowly sat up and looked over at him. He was as deep asleep as he was going to get. I laid back down and tried to get comfortable. My eyes slowly slid closed.

*Stakar P.O.V.*

I jerked awake when a strange sound intruded into my sleep. I looked around my room for anything strange. But nothing stuck out, I got out of my bed and grabbed my gun. I heard the sound again and spun toward the source.

T.J. was hanging half out of her hammock and was twitching a lot. She opened her mouth and whined. That was the sound that woke me up. I put my gun back down and walked over to her.

I slowly picked her up and shook her till her eyes opened. She jerked around and started yelling. To my surprise, she started yelling for me. I tried to calm her down but she seemed to think she was still stuck wherever her dream took her.

"T.J. shh, it's okay." I whispered. "You're okay, ain't nothing gonna hurt ya here."

"No, lemme go, Ogord help!" She shrieked. "No, I don't... Ogord?"

She finally calmed down and looked at me fully. Her eyes went from wide to scrunched up and watery. She started crying quietly, I pulled her to my chest and rubbed her head. Then I quietly got back in bed. She clung to me and buried her face in my chest. As I held onto her as she fell back to sleep. After she was out cold I let myself fall back to sleep as well.

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