Part 4: Feelings of Vengance

Start from the beginning


Apollyon: "Now that I've told you about my life you are free to leave. If you want to of course"

"I do have one more question"

Apollyon: "What is it?

"Why did you need an army? You have plenty of soldiers to fight"

Apollyon: "I needed to see who would be willing to fight. I needed to see who would be strong"

"But why?"

Apollyon: "The truth is I'm not going to show mercy to anyone who comes across as weak. In order to exterminate the weak the Blackstone Legion will sweep through Heathmoor and wage war. War of any kind will uproot the weakness of this land and allow the strong to flourish"

"War? What about seeking peace? Everyone I know is tired of fighting"

Apollyon: "Peace? Do not ever say that word again. Peace is a poison that has corrupted the minds of the strong. The code of chivalry, kinship and honor keeps the strong from taking over the weak and releasing their full potential"

"I believe in peace"

Apollyon stood behind me again and snuffed out all of the candles in the room. It was darker now with the sun at least an hour before it will set.

Apollyon: "Tell me Jürgen. What would you do if you found the Vikings who raided your home and killed your family"

"I don't know"

She stood behind me again but this time I felt the cold claws on her fingers go against the back of my neck.

Apollyon: "Answer me"


She's interrogating me. Why the hell is she interrogating me?

Apollyon: "What would you do?"

She dug her claws deeper into my neck. I could feel them slightly break the surface of my skin.

"Get off of me!"

I tried to break free but she had a strong grip on me. I gripped the hilt of my sword and prepared to attack. Apollyon must have seen my hand in the darkness and kicked the back of my right leg. I dropped my sword from the sudden action and fell onto my right knee.

She stood in front of me now and drew her sword. She used the blade to force my head up. This left a cut on the bottom of my chin.

Apollyon: "I'll ask again. What would you do if you found them?"

I stayed silent. I'm not giving up that easily.

Apollyon: "Fine, I guess you'll answer me through screams of pain"


She lowered her sword and cut the inside of my left thigh.


I grabbed the inside of my leg.

"Damn you!"

I lunged forward as an attempt to bring her to the ground but Apollyon stepped back. I landed on my stomach. I forced myself up with my arms.

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