You've met with Ieiri before. You both were quite well acquainted. She had given you a few prescriptions back then when she would go to your hometown outside Tokyo for some business.

"So? Where is it? Your pills." Ieiri asks. "Well...I think I dropped it on my way here." You look at her with quite the apologetic expression.

"You what?" Ieiri had gotten quite dispatched from her composed self as she looks before you.

"...You have to take better care of them. If you loose the pills in times of need, it could turn out dangerous." She says, letting out a deep sigh.

"You better look for the pills that you had left behind. We have no stock of what you always use." Ieiri says, standing away from her chair. "Ill take care of Kugisaki, now go before it gets lost." She added.

"Mhm! Thanks a lot!" You slightly bow your head in front of her as you swiftly turn towards the door to heed onto your exit.


Cold raindrops were falling down on the streets as you slightly ran towards the cursed building that stood right before you.

"If I knew it would be raining on my way here I would've brought an umrella." You mutter those words under your breath, slightly panting.

You were near by the cursed buildings parking area. Ans for some reason, the building had quite some damage. However, you paid no bother to it. "Finally. After all that walking and running."

You exhale a deep breath out as you hold onto the railings of the car park. "Now im pretty sure it fell somewhere over there." You lift your head and face in front you.

There you stood by the area whereas Fushiguro had forced you to get into the car togther with Kugisaki. The mere area where he said both he and Itadori would come back safely.

"Fushiguro must be here then!" You say to yourself. "This is the place where Fushiguro should give the signal for Itadori. So there's no doubt."

You normally take a deep breath in, and start walking into the cursed buildings car park when suddenly to your unwitting presumptions--

"S-shirtless Itadori?!" You slightly wheeze, clamping and covering your mouth with both your of your bare hands.

'No, no, no, no, no! This isn't the time to be wheezing! Something seems off...' You keenly observe both Itadori and Fushiguro from afar.

Both Itadori and Fushiguro had a really tense air around them. Itadori had blood dripping down his mouth as Fushiguro had scratches on him.

They seemed to be talking. However, aside from that--something else bothered you.

Itadori had looked quite different than usual. And the fact that his body had tattoos was definitely strange. 'Does Itadori hide all those tattoos behind his uniform? I dont think I've seen him with tattoos before.'

Something was definitely off. You could tell. Itadori's usual posture and vibe had somehow changed. Especially with all those tattoos on him.

You were unsure and confused so promtly and swiftly, you walk yourself towards them a bit closer. Still, of course, concealed and hidden form them.

As the gap between all three of you had closen, you peek from the car you hid at and squinted your eyes on Itadori.

'No way.' It wasn't him.

It wasn't Itadori at all. Well, sure the hair, the body and whatever belonged to Itadori.

Though, it wasn't him. The vibe that he showed off was surprisingly strange and unsual for Itadori the happy-go-lucky boy. It could explain those black stuff on him as well.

Could a precious and oblivious boy like Itadori have those on purpose? Well, definitely not.

There was only one person whom could be standing right before you.


A special grade cursed spirit. No. Not only that. He was the most powerful special grade cursed spirit.

Sure you would see Sukuna bring his eyes or mouth on Itadori's skin, though you've never seen him take over Itadori's body.

However, now you're seeing it. Your seeing Sukuna in his vessel. He had completely taken full control over Itadori's body.

Fushiguro was surprisingly calm to be standing in front of Sukuna when just a while ago he seemed to be quite tense just by seeing a special grade cursed spirit which was on a way lower level than Sukuna himself.

However, Sukuna and Fushiguro seemed to be deeply beaten up. Did they have a fight you might ask. Well the answer would be obvious. They did.

Though the tense air around them seemed to be easing and fading. Not only that, but those black tattoos on Itadori's body started fading away.

"Oh...sorry. It seems im almost done for. I guess I needn't worry about you, [L/n], Kugisaki and Gojo-sensei."

Itadori had seemed to regain his consciousness as Sukuna had fled. Slowly, Itadori fell onto the ground muttering his lasts few words to Fushiguro.

You didn't hear it. Though it didnt matter.

It didn't matter because right at that moment your lips curled into a smile.

|END OF 10|

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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