Let's Go On A Field Trip!

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It's a usual, busy morning at the Hokage's office. With piles of paper on his desk as shinobi pass through to claim their missions, it certainly bore Uzumaki Naruto the seventh hokage.

"Shikamaru, how many more papers do I have?" pouted Naruto as he looked at the papers.

"You still have to read the scout's reports and also sign the agreements of the nearby villages." said Shikamaru. He was now the hokage's advisor.

"Huh? Ugh, that's it! Shikamaru, give me a break-ttebayo!" shouted Naruto as he stood up from his desk, with a suspicious grin on his face.

"O-Oi, as a hokage you should perform your duties Naruto!"

"Whatever! I've decided something! Since I haven't had time to spend with Boruto, I'm going to make a field trip for the kids!"

"T-That's just absurd Naruto! Where are they going to visit? Who is going to accompany them?"

"Me. The "great" hokage will guide them-ttebayo! After all, those kids haven't seen what the real world looks like."

"They aren't even genin yet! Naruto, are you out of your mind?!"

"Nope. What's decided is done. I'm going to bring Uzumaki Boruto, Uzumaki Himawari, Nara Shikadai, Uchiha Sarada, Yamanaka Inojin and Akimichi Chocho with me!"

"And where on earth are you even going to take them?" sighed Shikamaru as he gave up. There was no stopping from the hokage's plans.

"I'm going to travel until the Hidden Hot Water Village! After all, it'll be nice to have some hot spring in a while!" grinned Naruto.

"You just want to relax don't you..."

"Whatever! I'm going to make a report to tell everyone about this plan! The trip begins next week!" said Naruto as he suddenly became motivated and started to work again.

"Wait, you are the only one accompanying them?!"

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?"

"This is very risky! We have to assign some ANBU to protect you!"

"I don't need such protection! Just chill Shikamaru, I'll handle it alright?" said Naruto with a grin. Shikamaru could only sigh. Not only was his son being brought along, but there were high risks and it was definately worrisome.


After that, the letters were delivered to the respective kids. The response was good, they were really excited about this field trip with the hokage, except for Uchiha Sarada. She has always doubt whether the hokage was even a good one, she couldn't trust him and always followed the words of her father instead.

However, the parents of these kids were instead outraged. They came knocking into the office, asking Naruto just what on earth he was doing. Sakura especially, almost broke the door with her immense strength. They were indeed concerned about the safety of their children and that since the hokage was the only adult around, it made the trip even more dangerous.

"I don't care! I'm going bring them along-ttebayo!" shouted Naruto.

In the end, everyone had no choice but to agree with him. After all, the world has been at peace and it was only for a week. Surely, they would come back in one piece...


That night when Naruto came home, he was welcomed with delight by his kids who came running. However, he could sense at the corner of his eye that a glowing and furious aura was spreading in the kitchen. It was obvious his wife, Hyuuga Hinata would be angry.

"H...Hinata~" said Naruto gently as he carefully walked into the kitchen where Hinata was making dinner. There was only a sigh from Hinata.

"W..What's wrong Hinata-chan?"


"I'll promise to bring them back in one piece-ttebayo!" said Naruto as he quickly hugged her from behind.

"They don't even know how to protect themselves yet..."

"It's alright, I'll teach them during the trip! I'll promise you, they will come back stronger than ever-ttebayo!"


"Hinata~what are you cooking for today?"

"Your favourite."

"Thank you, Hinata." said Naruto as he gently kissed her forehead before returning to his own room to freshen up. He was instantly bombarded by questions of his excited son, Boruto.

"Dad, are we gonna eat the most delicious ramen? Are we gonna fight a giant monster? Are we going to learn something?"

"Haha, you'll see when it comes Boruto."

"Tou-chan, can Kaa-chan come along too?" asked Himawari.

"Sorry Hima-chan but only papa will come." smiled Naruto.

"Why? Then, kaa-chan is going to be all alone!"

"You're really kind Hima-chan. Always thinking of others." said Naruto with a bright smile as he kissed his daughter. She really took after her mother's caring personality.

"Himawari, Kaa-chan will be alright by herself. You and Boruto should go." said Hinata as she came into the room.

"Don't worry, as the older brother I will protect you Himawari!" said Boruto with confidence.

"Hinata..." mumbled Naruto. He didn't expect his wife to agree on his wild idea.

"Have fun and bring back souveneirs alright?" said Hinata to her children.

"Yosh! I'm gonna find the best gift in the whole world dattebasa!" said Boruto

"I'm gonna find the most delicious cinnamon bun for kaa-chan!" said Himawari.

The Uzumaki household turned into laughter that night. It seems that it was really fine for the children to go on the trip.


The parents of Inojin and Chocho had no choice but to agree to the trip because their children were just really excited about it. As for Shikadai however, he found it troublesome. He didn't see the point of the trip.

But thanks to a little of convincing from his mother, Temari, Shikadai reluctantly accepted.

On the other hand at the Uchiha household, Sarada was in a dilemma. She sat down and thought for a while. What good would this trip come of? What are the possible dangers?

"Sarada! Dinner's ready!" said Sakura as she came out of the kitchen. She noticed her daughter staring into the night sky. She really looked like her father from that angle.

"What's wrong Sarada?" asked Sakura as she sat beside her daughter.

"I'm worried. This trip sounds fishy mom."

"Well, its the hokages idea and I think it would be a good experience for you."


"What's all that talk about?" said a voice from the Uchiha garden. A tall man with a black robe appeared from the trees.

"Sasuke! You returned home!" said Sakura as she went to hug her husband.

"I'm back Sakura. Now, what is my daughter worrying about?" asked Sasuke as he went towards his daughter.

She then explained everything about the trip to the point until Sasuke sighed with a smirk.

"That's...really Naruto." mumbled Sasuke.

"Father, should I go?" asked Sarada.

"Well, looks like I'll have to speak to the Hokage about this." said Sasuke as he glanced at Sakura.

Hello! I hope you enjoyed this as its only the beginning of something big ;) Will Sasuke convince Naruto to stop or will he allow his daughter in this dangerous trip?

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