Chapter one.

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,,Gaia!'' my mother called to me, just at the moment when I was locked in my imagination. ,,Gaia!'' she called once more, but a little louder. I quickly jumped out of my large and very comfortable bed, opened my heavy door to my bedroom. Then I slammed them behind me. I ran to the stairs and called: ,,Yes mom! What you need?''. I heard my parents mumbling cease, and a deep male voice came from my Dad's study: ,,Gaia?, come here please.''.

I wasn't expecting anything and ran down the long, dark and wooden stairs that lead to the second floor. As I hurried, I bumped into our cleaning lady Julian. Luckily we didn't fall but Juliana stared at me uncomfortably. I won't lie... it wasn't for the first time.

I walked around her in a large arch and ran to my dad's study. Mom was waiting for me in the doorway, and her sweet and charming smile was on her face. I immediately fell into her victim. ,,Dad needs to talk to you about something.'' she said, interrupted our embrace, and left. I nodded and entered the study. Dad's study was no different from the rest of the house. It was older, with a few painting. Dad also had a library here, which was filled to the last inch with various books.

I looked around and my gaze stopped at the wooden table behind which my dad sat. I smiled at him and he returned my smile. Than he pointed to the chair in front of me. I sat down gracefully. ,,So how are you today?'' he said and smiling nervously at me. He always did this either when I did something at school or when it was a serious thing. Now it's the holidays and I don't go to school. So it's the second option. ,,Dad, tell me what's going on and don't play theater with me.'' I said. Dad smiled a little at me and said: ,,All right. It's about you and Alessa.''. ,,Why are you solving it again? I told you everything last summer when she left!'' I said. That summer. The summer I felt something.

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