They even had the audacity to leave me stranded here without shoes!

And it just had to be the desert.

Why couldn't they dump me at some kind of tropical resort in Hawaii with the cute dolphins and some nice food or something.

I groan as I start walking in a random direction, hoping that my gut instinct isn't lying to me.

But why would someone do this?

It couldn't be a business rival since no one knows what I look like and I don't think someone would do this just for shits and giggles.


This must have something to do with whatever my brothers are hiding.

Ooh, me and Dominic are gonna have a nice chat when I get back home.

'If you get back home.' A dark, small voice whispered in my head.

It's right, what if I can't get back home? What if I turn into a burned chicken nugget before I get back to my brothers?

What if...

'No, you will get back home because you are bad bitch and no stupid sun and sand can kill you!' A louder voice yelled in my head.

"Yeah! Fuck you mother nature! You can't kill me!" I yelled out to the sky as I put a little more force into my steps.


I am literally dying.

If not from dehydration and hunger then it's going to be from insanity.

I'm sorry I cursed at you mother nature, you are far more superior than a mere human like me.

But I knew I had lost my damn mind the second I started singing the Teletubby theme song.

The sun was almost touching the horison as it was setting, which means it was about to get dark real soon.

My hair is a frizzy mess and my reason to live is starting to disappear.

The only rainbow that I found around the corner is that I'm now on solid ground surrounded by small trees and cactuses.

(Who gets the refrence?😂)

But that's when I heard it.

A low hiss that was loud enough for me to hear.

I tensed and slowly turned around only to be met with black, beady eyes and a forked tongue.

A Black Mamba.

It's ok Leonessa, it's not like you're standing in front of one of the most venomous snakes in the world.

But then that means Google lied to me because they said that Black Mambas are shy and will almost always seek to escape first.

The one hissing at me right now is anything but shy with more than a third of it's body raised from the ground and it's neck-flap spread open.

'Well that's your fault for trusting a website that claims you have cancer when you only have a headache!' The voice in my head exclaimed.

Ok that's true.

I subtly but quickly reach for my dagger and hid it behind my back.

It was like one of those western movie scenes and if the snake could talk, I'm sure it would've said, "These parts ain't big enough for the both of us."

Oh great, now I'm imagining the snake with a cowboy hat on.

Now's not the time Leonessa!

The snake was the first to jump forward and thanks to my reflexes, I was fast enough to dodge it.

But I didn't know it would jump again so quickly and I was caught by surprise.

I felt something sting my shin but the adrenaline caused me to not pay attention to it as I aimed for it's head.

I fell to my knees as my hands rested on the ground, right next to the dead snake.

I gasped for air as the adrenaline started to wear off and whatever stinged my shin hurts like a bitch now.

I sat down as I looked at the two bite marks on my shin. I quickly ripped off a piece of fabric from my dress and tied it around my shin as tightly as I could.

The wound was sensitive and burned when the fabric came in contact with it but it's only thing I can do to help the wound.

After another mental pep talk with my inner voice, I stood up and with a slight limp, I started to search for shelter and dry wood or grass to make a fire.

After a while I found a tree bark that was hunched over and thanks to the power of friction, I had a small fire that was keeping me a little warm.

I could feel my shivering body lose it's energy as I rested my head against the tree bark.

It's probably because of the small amount of venom that entered my system.

I sighed as I looked up at the bright stars that only got more blurrier with every second that passed.

'You miss your brothers, don't you?' The voice in my head asked.

"Yeah, I miss those idiots." I answered back as the chattering of my teeth came to stop and I finally closed my eyes.

What I didn't realise was the small source of light that came closer and closer from behind me.


Y'all, I went to a rollercoaster park for the first time and let's just say that my stomach is probably still on one of those rides and my neck hurts like a bitch, but hey, it was still hella fun🎠🎡

And yes, I accidentally published this chapter even though it wasn't finished because my fat finger slipped, so I apologise for any inconvenience😅😅😪

And yes, I accidentally published this chapter even though it wasn't finished because my fat finger slipped, so I apologise for any inconvenience😅😅😪

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Peace out✌️

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