01 [ Lmao Baby? ]

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You got out off bed and rubbed your eyes. You sighed as you glanced at the amount homework you had. Just a reminder, that homework isn't just your homework. It's yours and your bully's homework. Yes, your bully, Na Jaemin. The school playboy. One minute he's kissing that person, the next minute, taking away someone's virginity.

You rolled your eyes.

You: Why the heck does his teacher give so much homework?

You glanced to your left, looking at the time on your phone.

You: 9 am huh? Well fuck that. Guessing i gotta get started with that work.


You stretched and stood up. Grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom. Turned on the shower, took your clothes off and then got in the shower.

You: Hmmm... Praying that, that bitch doesn't shout or punch me again.


You were walking down the streets, heading to your school. Suddenly, you heard voices calling you from behind.

?: LEE Y/N!!!

Instantly, you turned around and saw you friends.

You: Hey guys!

Taeyong: Hey.

Mark: 'Sup?

Haechan and Taeil: Heyo good morning.

You: So you done the homework for 'them'?

Their faces got sad and their smiles ran away. They nodded as you nodded back sadly at them.

You: We'll show them who's boss one day. Don't worry.

They gave you a weak smile. The five of you continued to walk to school together.


As the five of you entered the school gates, you all felt scared, for the five of you knew, they were coming.

Entering the front entrance, you saw Winwin and Yuta. Winwin and Yuta are part of Jaemin's bullying crew. They were Taeyong and Taeil's bullies.

Yuta: Aight. Where's the homework?

Winwin: Homework. Now.

Taeyong and Taeil nodded and took their homework's out if their bags.

Taeyong: Here... You go... I did all of them. Including your math...

Yuta: Good. For once you did something good.

Taeil: Here...

Winwin: Hmmm... Babe...

Yuta: yes?

Winwin: Satisfied should I be?

Yuta: I guess. He did it right?

Winwin: yeah. Good work nerd. See you later for my next assignment.

Taeil gulped as you scoffed and rolled your eyes.

You: You're all lucky not gonna lie. They're only in his crew. Your all not serving the guy himself.

They nodded and then their eyes widen when they saw 'him', Na Jaemin.

Jaemin walking down the hallway with his crew. He smirked when he saw you. The students in the hallways were moving close to their lockers, to give way to them.

You took a deep breath and raised an eyebrow at him.

You: Here. The stupid homework. Satisfied?

Jaemin: Hm. Yeah. I guess. As long as they're all right. Are they though, pretty?

You: Lol. Pretty? Since when? I'm a girl/boy that is independent as fuck. I don't need some playboy and his crew to call me 'pretty'. I just wanna get the 'I am satisfied and you can leave '.

Jaemin: What's wrong? Don't think you're pretty baby girl/boy?

You: Disgusting. Na. Jae. min.

Jaemin scoffed. He yanked the homework away from you and looked at it.

Jaemin: Hmph... Winwin... You're the expert. Satisfied should i be or satisfied i should not be?

Winwin took a quick look at the work and then looked at you.

Winwin: I think you should be satisfied. This nerd of yours did a good job.

Jaemin smirked as he raised an eyebrow. Looked back at you and nodded.

Jaemin: The expert said it. What did you want me to say again... Oh- 'I am satisfied and you can leave now'. Like that baby?

You: Baby? Haha... Funny. You're my bully, I'm your slave. We have nothing in common. Fuck off.

Jaemin: You're not such a nerdy person for a nerd. You're more like a annoying bitch then a nerd.

You: So what if i am? At least I'm not your bitchy nerd. Now stop talking and leave. I did your work. Take it or leave it.

Jaemin: Fine. Go.

You rolled your eyes again and walked away. The four others behind you, bowed to Jaemin and his crew.

You: Such a waste of time.



next: ?

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