chapter 19

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"Your never alone"

Like a soldier in war issei readied her self for battle she summoned her sacred gear drag the red dragon of domination

Issei was hyped to see her love again and eager for a fight

(Ok so this whole chapter will just in the pov of box as he watches his student fight sorry I'm terrible a fights and other stuff again sorry in advance)

Box was eager to see if his little project paid attention in his lessons and got comfortable while mask and lady just watched with huge smiles

Box watched as issei won her first fight easily and was heading to help kiba in the gymnasium there kiba was fighting risers knight box was really impressed this issei learned a lot but she was going to fast and the armour's strength and time is running out she was using a lot of magic to use and wear the armour effectively so it was only a matter of time before the armour gave out and dissapeared so box started to count he was worried she wouldn't make it and right he was

Issei had just made it to the big girl her self riser Phoenix after rias queen took down risers queen knocking both out of the game

Issei was huffing and puffing but she still had some fight left until the armour's power ran out and broke issei was shocked while box was taking notes

Issei: no no this cant be why did it brake

Drag: your power has ran out and so did mine......

Drag fell asleep causing issei to fight with no power left

Issei: damn it's fine I'll kick your cocky ass riser

Riser: you make riser laugh well then come and kick it

Issei ran at riser screaming she readied a punch but riser teleported behind her and kicked her in the back she then summoned a fire ball and attacked issei with it she had no chance at winning issei was burned and her cloths where torn but she still got up riser was very annoyed by isseis action so she picked up issei by the throat and started to choke her issei was still talking mad shit calling riser a chicken or Turkey if she was gonna fight might as well be with words

Riser: damn you miserable wore I'll kill you now

Riser used a fireball and slammed it into isseis chest causing her to scream in pain

Y/n had awoken after hearing isseis painful cry he started to look around and saw her riser was punching her over and over not even rais could stop her she would have to forfeit the game and lose but rais loved issei so she was about to call off the game when she heard a scream


Riser looked at the boy who was still bound he had tears in his eyes he looked afraid he was crying


riser looked at issei who was near passing out

Riser: so riser wins she took out rais peerage riser will be taking her prize

Riser grabbed y/n who looked terrified as hell riser then looked at issei who was getting healed by ashia staring back at her reaching for y/n with tears in her eyes

Issei: y-y/n......nooo!!!!

Riser found it pleasing to torture issei more so she grabbed y/n and kissed him right in front of her

Riser: riser will take good care of her new toy

She then teleported away causing issei to cry more box wasn't having it he got up from his spot and was about to kick some ass when he was stopped by lady

Lady: theres nothing we can do here anymore that boy is now riser property

Box let out a sad and heavy sigh before teleporting away

Lady: well there is a way to save him

Mask: what do you suggest

Lady: one on one fight

Mask: I see ok we better do it fast or little y/n will get Burned bad

Lady: riser better not hurt the kid or she have to answer to the boss

Mask: she will rape him though I mean did you see the way she looked at him shes a sadistic woman who will hurt him I doubt she'll keep him in "good condition"

Lady: well let's make a plan and I'll need box for this

Mask: that will be a small problem

Lady: I don't know where he teleported to

Time skip

Issei pov

Issei was in her room crying she held onto her phone close to her chest as it had the one photo of y/n and her together issei wasn't happy at all and her parents understood that so they left her alone

Issei: why wasnt I strong enough to get him back

Issei laid down and cried her eyes out all while ashia and box where listing

Ashia: um mister box is she gonna be ok

Box just nodded

Ashia: imma go see if she needs someone to hold onto

Box was silent

Ashia: ok I'm going

Ashia went inside isseis room and sat down next to issei ashia just couldnt stand the sight of her friend crying and in pain

Ashia: issei are you going to be ok

Issei was silent she let go of her phone and looked at ashia issei had her makeup messed up her hair was a mess

Issei: they took my lover my life away from me I wasnt strong enough to protect him like I promised now hes gone and I'm all alone....

Issei broke down again she cried for abit before slowly sitting up

Ashia hugged issei pulling her in for a soft squeeze

Ashia: your never alone you have me and rais and kiba and koneko and akeno all of your friends are here for you so your not alone

Issei hugged asahi and said in a sad way

Issei: I cant let him go I miss him

Box was listing and had a flashback of when lady lost her love aswell and when mask was forced to watch his friends get executed right in front of him box clenched his fist

Box:(forgive me brother and sister for I must brake my rule)

Box took off his head and there where a human head was supposed to be there was nothing but a flame box remembered all the his friends and family lost so get walked into isseis room scarying issei and startling ashia

Box: let's get you lover back issei and your not weak your just down on your luck

Issei: r-right let's save my y/n from the damn chicken


With a chapter like this who has the time anyway with the small battle over and if you guys are wondering about the thrio just asks and I'll write a small chapter about each of them anyway don't worry no rape in this book so your good just good old fashioned lemons lol anyway I'm back and happy

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