Part 5 Dash 1

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Part 5 Dash 1

Never-ending fields covered a vast expanse of land that spread as far as the eye can see. Wheat fields, corn fields lay beneath me. In that split moment, everything felt perfect, almost surreal as I peered down at the neat patches of golden-yellow below. The never-before seen land with its beauty lay “unexplored,” fresh, new and mesmerizing.  

Countless times I have thought of this as one of those cheesy moments in the books I read as I closed my eyes. The darkness that invaded my vision was soon replaced by a world conjured up by my own imagination. The sun shimmered eye-blindingly with the wind that whisked gently through the wheat stalks. To the horizon stood snow-capped mountains behind the countless trees which dotted the field on either side. Together with a quaint farmhouse finished off the perfect fantasy world. I skipped my way through the fields where I explored every nook and cranny while filling my nose with the honeyed, crisp scent of the air. I ran my hands through the stalks which felt coarse to my touch. As I broke into a sprint, the wind blew through my hair, sending it down my back in ribbons of jet black.

Without warning, my view of the “unexplored” land was obstructed by a fluffy, dark raincloud that deserted me with nothing but the memories of my past. The quaint farmhouse that sat on the quilt of yellow was replaced with old-style Victorian buildings and the field replaced by sidewalks and overgrown oak trees. And instead of the fresh, spring air, thick smog hung heavily in its place upon a poisoned city where acidic rain drizzled on its multiple, careless civilians.

In my vision, there was always a little girl who played on the swings in the backyard. She fantasized the wind that pushed past her as the breeze of the prairies and the noise from the distant traffic as the ever enchanting chirps of song-birds.

I broke away from my imagination, pointed to the miserable cloud and asked, “Is this where we’re going to live?”

“In a cloud,” is the sarcastic response I get.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes and instead said back, “You know what I mean.”

“Sweetie, that’s a farm. We’re living in the city, up ahead. You’ll like it, don’t worry,” is the reply I get.

The clouds outside gradually faded away as we passed the cloud which left me with nothing but the ability to bask freely in the beauty of the prairies; however, the whimsical feeling was gone. Now back to my book comparison, I thought. This moment would then be the climax, a theatrical one-guess this book of mine was very drama-filled.  I chuckled softly to myself at my comparison.

Shortly after, I found myself abruptly awakened by a voice that droned, “Welcome to Calgary.” I stepped outside with the roar of the engine still in my ears and took in my surroundings. To my right, stood wheat fields and off to the distance, near the horizon, stood the most breathtaking view ever, the Rocky Mountains.

 “See? It’s not so bad here,” was what I heard faintly as the voice broke through my dazed thoughts.

My wondrous Utopia is anything and everything more than I could have ever dreamt of. The mountains stood to the west with, the plains surrounding me. The glass was half full. Guess this is where the story would end, and I would then pick up another book to begin fantasizing all over again.

A chapter of my life, written in pen and read-part 5 dash 1. 

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