Mr. Pigeon

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(A/N: The drawing above is a drawing of King Peacock and I drew it myself but sorry if ya'll can't see it/can't see it well, it was traditionally drawn so I had to take a pic with my computer webcam and it's light is shit-)

Today for school the class was all split up in groups of three and got to create derby hats for a contest, the winners hat would be featured in Gabriel Agreste's next fashion show.

But Kim did not care really. He was a jock, not a designer, but he did know some other kids would love that chance like his friend Marinette for an example.

He then saw his friend, Max. "Hey Max, looks like we're in the same group!"

Max smiled. "That's great! I'm glad I'm in a group with a friend."

Kim tilted his head to the side confused, Max looked, different. His glasses changed and when did he start wearing a ring?? But he shrugged it off assuming Max wanted to try adding a ring to his look and lost his normal glasses.

They where about to discuss on what to do for their hat but then Max's bag let out a really loud fart sound. (A/N: I cracked up writing this XD)

". . ."

". . . . . . ." Sweat dropped from Max's head.

"I got to go-" Max ran away.

Kim was about to go after him but then he heard really loud pigeon sounds and someone screaming. He looked out the window and saw a flock of pigeons carrying a police officer.

". . .Well that's something you don't see everyday," He hid and opened the neck of his hoodie Dusuu flying out. "Time to transform! Dusuu, Spread my Feathers!"


King Peacock jumped onto the roof and squatted looking around trying to find the akuma. "Where are you bird man?"

"Need some help birdbrain?" A nerdy sounding (In Kim's opinion anyway) voice asked. King Peacock jumped and twirled around seeing a new hero.

The hero had a dark skintone, huh, King Peacock never seen a black superhero before-

The hero had very light brown hair almost blond kinda hair that was pulled back into multiple braids, with some of the braids in the front of his hair and all the braids in the back where black, on the top of his head he had two cat ears made of fabric, he had no mask and instead had black transparent-ish sunglasses that covered fierce cat-eyes that had a crimson sclera and a red iris, he had two small black high-nostril nose piercing's and he had some sharp-ass canine teeth-

The hero wore a full body black jumpsuit with electric blue bits with a belt that looked like a cat tail (So basically Pegasus's suit (not including shoes) but the dark brown parts are black and the light brown parts are electric blue and with a Cat Noir belt added-), thigh-high black boots with electric blue buckles and spikes on the bottom and the new hero actually had two weapons, a horseshoe boomerang on his back (where the chest would be located if it was in the front) and a small metal stick that was on the back of his belt right above where it turns into a tail.

The hero was not exactly ripped like he was and was around one and a half feet shorter but the hero was nowhere near weak looking, he had some large muscles on him- So the hero's whole vibe really was 'Tiny but very mighty'

King Peacock approached him. "Who are you?"

The hero scoffed with a glare putting a hand on his chest showing he also had little claws on his fingers. "Rude." He folded his arms. "Name's Ponytah."

'This Ponytah's sassy as hell-' King Peacock thought. "Like the Pokémon?" He said holding up the 'Pokémon go' app trying to make a joke.

Ponytah did not take kindly to that and kicked the phone out of his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2021 ⏰

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