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I don't even remember how fast I was driving.. I hadn't even noticed back then.
The ride back home was as quick as a rocket launch, except the deafening sound was only in my head. Nobody talked until I parked the car and quickly got out.

"Tamino... Wait... Can you calm down please?" Indie shouted as she jumped out of the vehicle.

"Calm down? How am I supposed to do that when I have no idea what's going on... Are you a scammer or what? Can you finally tell me?" I said too loudly.

"Let's go inside.." she tried to take my hand in hers, but I quickly walked away. She once again followed me.

"So? You better have a good explanation.. You see this photograph... You're not in it, even though you were sitting inches away from me. How is this possible?" I screamed and showed her the polaroid.

"Well.. As I said you didn't meet me by coincidence. Do you remember what you were doing on the hill that day?"

"I had gone there for inspiration, then I wrote a song, so?"

"You asked for a person to love.. You pictured a girl, you even gave her a name. Then you poured your heart out on a piece of paper.. You wrote the most romantic song you've ever written. A song that talks about love, real love... Not the kind of love that leaves wounds, the kind of love that makes your whole existence smile. Most of the people who write this kind of songs, look for a person to hold close. And when this happens, when they picture someone and then they're inspired enough to write a song so meaningful... something extraordinary happens. The song becomes alive, it has a shape. The shape of the lover the writers wish they had.
I'm your song, your happy song.. Verses." Indie spoke and I tried really hard not to roll my eyes or shout at her. Did she really think I was that dumb?

"Oh yeah right... Everything makes sense now.." I sarcastically said.

"I'm telling you the truth. You're the only one who can see me. That's why your brother thought I was your invisible friend.. That's why people have been staring at you in a weird way... I'm your song, only you know me." Indie tried hard to convince me.

"Oh, yeah?.. So you're telling me you knew you are invisible to everybody else, yet you let me make a fool out of myself in front of everyone???? Is that what you're trying to say to me???" I asked in a loud tone.

"Yes... I am so sorry... I knew it, but I didn't want to lose you. I didn't want you to leave me behind, just because others can't see me.. I'm in love with you. It's true." she started crying.

"All of these.. Pffff... Do you really think I'll believe all of these???" I questioned in frustration.

"You have to believe me.. It's nothing but the truth. It's like I fell on earth that day. Somehow I got a house I had never seen before, I got clothes that I had never worn before.. I have no one though, no family, no friends, but somehow I knew everything about you since day one. I had always been with you, because the words were always in your head, in your heart, you just hadn't put them on a piece of paper yet. It's like I was following you, but you didn't know I was there. And that day you gave me a chance to stop being invisible to you. I wasn't just a soul anymore, I had a body and a beating heart.. I completely fell in love with you. This is the only place on earth that feels like home to me, because you're here."

"And if that's true... Will I get another lover if I write another love song??? What if I only write happy songs from now on, will I end up having 100 girlfriends??? This is ridiculous, you know that, right?..."

"It only happens once. I was the first one and I'll be the last one. Because you pictured your soulmate. The girl of your dreams... Once you give life to someone, you don't get a second chance to do it again. I may don't know a lot of things, I only know about things that have been mentioned in other songs... But soulmates are meant to be. Aren't they? You're lucky this happened to you. You'll always have my love."

"I'm lucky???? You know none of these it's true... What's wrong with you...? You were so perfect.. And all of a sudden you became nothing but a liar... I can't even stand looking at you right now... You got some issues."

"Believe me... It's the truth... That's why I avoided answering to questions... How was I supposed to answer, when I knew you would think I'm crazy..?" Indie started sobbing.

"I don't know... You're not a fucking song... I really don't know how to talk to you right now... I'm trying, I really am... But all you do is lying to me... I'm not a stupid boy.. What do you want from me?" I hid by face behind my hands in frustration. I had lost all of my control.

"To believe me and continue loving me like you did yesterday... Why can't you do that? I'm your happy song.. Why are you trying to break me? It's not supposed to be like this.." she fell on the ground and kept crying her eyes out.

"Did you know that guy at the fountain???? Did he give me a fake picture? What are you trying to do? I literally have nothing to give you..." I shouted ignoring her words.

"I didn't know who that man was... He ruined everything... We were so happy.. And his stupid picture ruined everything."

"You have to go..." I looked away.

"I don't want to go.. I wanna stay with you.. I was meant to stay here."

"Don't make things worse.. Leave." I tried to be strong.

"I am your song.. You can't do that to me.. Tamino, I love you... Please don't ask me to leave." she begged me.

"My song.. Indie you're literally making me so angry right now..." I screamed and quickly went to my office to get my notepad.
"Is that the song you're talking about?" I showed her the page of the lyrics she once sang with me.

"Yes.. That's the song that created me... Do you believe me?" she looked up at me with red, puffy eyes.

"No, I don't.." I said and ripped the page off of the notepad. Indie screamed and put her hands on her chest.

"Tamino... Don't do this...I'll vanish.. Please.." she cried.

"I'm sorry.. But I can't believe I'm actually in love with a couple of words on a piece of paper..." I shaked my head and I ripped the page into a hundred tiny pieces that landed on the ground right in front of her. She hid her face behind her hands and stood up after stumbling a couple of times.

"Goodbye.." she said and opened the door, that's when I noticed there was rain falling from the sky, even though the weather was still hot outside.
I slowly walked behind her and watched her leaving. When she made it to the corner and I ran quickly to catch a glimpse of her, she was nowhere to be found. It was as if she had vanished. She had always been afraid of vanishing. I rubbed my eyes and tried to spot her again, but there was no sign of her anymore. My vision became blurry as tears started falling from my eyes.

HAPPY SONG ~Tamino~ ✓Where stories live. Discover now