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"Are you going to say something?" she asked five minutes later. I never answered, the shock I was feeling had gone away, and my normal self had came back. So I did what I do best, being shy, awkward and silent.

"It's fine, guess I'll do the talking!" I heard her voice once again and I hesitantly opened my eyes, scared that she'd dissappear.
But there she was next to me, posing like the Reclining Buddha, lying down propped up on her right elbow, head resting in her hand, and eyes locked on mine.

"I like spending time with you." she smiled at me.

"Have we.. Have we spent time together before...?" I managed to ask. I was curious, she looked so confident, acting like we've seen each other multiple times.

"We've known each other for so long... What are you talking about? I'm by your side since the start!"

'Since the start of what?' I subconsciously asked myself.

"Ever since your body started filling with the feeling of love. It's programmed to happen at some point. Some people become curious about love sooner, and some later. But everybody starts looking for love at some point. You've been asking for it for years." she said as if she had heard my thought.
But still her answer didn't explain the fact she was lying by my side.

"Oh.. Okay." I exclaimed, unable to find a better answer.

"There's a cloud that looks like you!" I heard her cheerful voice and I looked at the sky confused.
"Right there!" she pointed at a white mass in the sky.

"This looks nothing like me.."

"Souls have no shapes." she stood up and started running away.

"Where are you going...?" I asked too quietly for her to hear me. I decided to follow her.

"You came after me.. That means you want me to stay!" she happily shouted as she spotted me.

"Yes." I spoke shyly.

"Take me with you, I wanna do all the things in the world with you." she ran up to me and I managed to grab her body and lift her up. She was extremely light, and I was very tall.
Her skirt waved in the summer breeze and made me blush. The sun behind her blended in with her silhouette.

"You look like the sun." I quietly said.

"What!?! I look nothing like the sun!" she looked right into my soul, waiting for me to give her the correct answer.

"Souls have no shapes." she lit up more by hearing that, if that was even possible.

"Take me away from here. I've been lonely for so long. Please." I put her down and looked in her eyes again.
It was crazy, wasn't it? How could I run away with a girl I had just met? A girl I knew nothing about, but she was such an enigma to me. I needed answers, and an impulsive decision could possibly give them to me.

"Let's go. I'm Tamino by the way." I blurted out and started walking, she followed my lead.

I drove down the road with her in the passenger seat. Her eyes were glued outside the window, as if she was trying to take in every span of the world. I had never seen somebody smiling at the sight of trees and asphalt before, it made me chuckle.
A John Lennon song came on, as I drove closer to the city, and sounded like a soundtrack that made both of us look like two strange characters from a movie that nobody would really understand if tried to watch.

"What's that?" she asked astonished.
I looked outside her window and spotted the Ferris Wheel of a small amusement park right outside the city.

"The Ferris Wheel?"

"Pffftt.... Oh right!" she felt embarrassed.

"Do you want to go there?" I asked. I had a feeling she had never seen a Ferris Wheel before, and I didn't even find that strange, since I myself hadn't gone to an amusement park for at least 15 years.

"Can we?" she looked at me with sparkling eyes. I nodded.

I took the right turn for the amusement park and drove a couple meters, then stopped the car.
Not a lot of people were coming here anymore, since most of them wanted to go somewhere fancier, so they could post it online. Dates weren't really a thing anymore, apparently most people talked through apps, and had no time for the real world. And well, kids were also busy playing virtual games instead of going to amusement parks, so..

"Let's do this!" I said and Indie instantly opened her door and let herself out of the car. I followed.

"Two mega passes!" I exclaimed when we reached to the ticket booth.

"Uum. Okay." the person behind the glass said while idly staring at me.

"Thanks." I took the tickets and handed one to Indie, then we walked to the entrance, where the guard let us in.

"Let's have some fun!" Indie said excited like a little kid that had just time traveled from the past.

"There! Let's go there!" she ran towards a ride and I walked fast behind her.
All we had to do was to show our passes to the responsible worker of each ride and we were free to get on it. It was that simple.

I sat next to her on the ride and the vest harnesses secured our bodies immediately. There were a few people in the seats behind us, but all I cared about was her. How was she feeling..? Was she excited, scared, happy?
I knew I was happy, and I couldn't even understand why.. But I was.

The ride started moving slowly and I saw Indie closing her eyes and wrinkling her nose. I chuckled and gently patted her hand with mine.

"Get ready to scream!" I said a little louder than I should, without noticing that it was a quite weird thing to say.

The ride started going up and for a second I heard myself laughing. I hadn't heard my own laughter in a while, and then.. it was covered by Indie's loud, innocent screaming. It felt like falling from heaven.

HAPPY SONG ~Tamino~ ✓Where stories live. Discover now