You Have Me

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Javier was getting real sick of Steve's bullshit.

All he'd done the past week was bitch about everything Javier was doing and snapping at him for no reason. Javier would pour himself a cup of coffee. Steve would tell him to hurry the fuck up. Javier would start to ask him a question. Steve would tell him to shut the fuck up. Javier would drum his fingers once on the desk. Steve would tell him him to knock it the fuck off. Everything was annoying Steve, and he was in the worst of moods.

Just yesterday they had worked off a tip from one of Javier's informants. They assembled the Search Bloc and attempted to raid an apparent Escobar lab. They only discovered an abandoned building with no residents other than the mice skittering about the floors. Steve had yelled at Javier for the false information. Telling him he was an idiot for trusting his informant - who was probably a whore - and wasting their supplies and time on a bullshit hunt that got them absolutely nothing. Javier had just stared at Steve in silence the whole time he yelled at him in front of all the Search Bloc men. He dealt with it later through a bottle of whiskey and a few quiet tears in the comfort of his own bed. He was half convinced his partner hated his fucking guts and hadn't a clue as to why.

Javier took to avoiding Steve at all costs and trying to speak to him as little as the job would allow. They'd sit in silence at their desks, and Javier would offer to drive himself whenever they needed to go somewhere. Steve's angry glares and harsh insults were starting to make Javier's skin itch. He could feel the heat radiating from Steve and how much on edge he was every time he walked past the man. Something was horribly wrong with his partner, had been for a few weeks now, and Javier could not for the life of him figure out why. He'd try and ask Steve how he was doing or if he'd eaten yet that day. Steve would grumble something or not even reply, sometimes just getting up and walking out of the room. Javier's heart was hurting more than he'd like to admit at his partner's unusual behavior.

Today Javier notices that Steve isn't just being an asshole to him. He's started snapping at everyone else in the office. Even Messina.

So Javier sits on his couch, having a smoke and drinking his beer, and wonders what the fuck he could do to at least cheer Steve up a little bit tomorrow. After all, it is Valentine's Day.

Steve's already sitting at his desk when Javier arrives to work on February 14th. He's pouring over an open file and doesn't acknowledge Javier's presence at all. Steve only glances up when a fresh mug of coffee is placed on his desk. He looks at the mug then quickly to Javier. Javier tries to smile at him, but he looks away just as quickly. Steve gets up once within the next few minutes to pour another cup of coffee. He sits back down and drinks out of the one he's just poured. He doesn't touch the mug Javier prepared for him.

Steve glances at Javier again when he returns from the bathroom. "What the fuck is this?"

Javier looks at the little pot he placed in the middle of Steve's desk and then up at his hard face. "It's one of those plants you really like. I though you'd like to have one here."

Steve looks at the succulent again. "Get it off my desk."

Javier's face crumbles. "Oh, I-I'm sorry." He takes the plant from Steve's desk and places it next to his own typewriter. He frowns as the other man just sits to continue his work with a furrow in his brow.

"Would you like to go to lunch?" Javier asks some time later, "there's a really-"

"No," comes the curt reply. Steve doesn't even look up from his papers. He can't see the hurt look on Javier's face or his retreating back as he leaves the building.

Javier returns half an hour later, tossing a brown bag and a bundle of yellow acacia's on Steve's desk. Steve pauses his work for only a second then turns the page of whatever he's reading.

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