"I will inform the General. You've given her all the intel she needs. Your mission has been a success, and you have her thanks. We are inspecting Reinforcements from the Inner Rim. We will strike the Star Destroyers in a month's time. You'll have a day's notice to evacuate. I'll be in touch. You're coming home soon, Princess." She lifted a corner of her cloak, revealing a pin of the Resistance's insignia on the inside. Then, she lowered it. And in the same instant, she disappeared back into the crowd. As if she'd never been there.


"It's good. Tastes like berries," Gil said, turning around and handing you a glass that didn't contain more than a thimble's amount of wine. He'd just barely missed her. She'd just been there. But she'd all but vanished. "Princess?" he asked. Your eyes were still glued to where the agent had been. "Are you alright?"


The Resistance was in Naboo.

Which meant maybe they were behind the attack after all.

You'd never been so confused about where your loyalties lied.

━━━━━━*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.* ━━━━━━


Your lightsaber privileges had finally been reinstated. Lately, you were training with the Knights whenever you could. Plus Kylo when you were lucky. It gave you something to do, because the Order certainly wasn't entrusting you with any significant amount of work.

"Princes," Kylo repeated. "Again."

You were a sweaty, exhausted mess, but did as your master commanded. Your hand shot to the side, and from the corner of your eye, you watched as Maxir's spine straightened. He seemed to quiver inside of his armor, twitching violently, eyes bulging from his head. With a flick of your wrist, you brought him to his knees. He collapsed onto his face, groaning.

"Good," Kylo said, stepped forward towards you, not bothering to check on Maxir. His arms were crossed. "You're growing stronger every day."

You turned to Maxir instead. "Hey, buddy. You okay?"

"I hate this," he groaned, struggling to his feet.

Then, you set your gaze back on Kylo. "Are we done?"

Your mind was swimming. You knew you needed more information. All the Resistance agent had told you was that they'd be attacking within a month, and you'd have to be ready to leave everything behind at a moment's notice. Because you were going home.

The only problem was that Hapes didn't feel like home anymore.

Kylo felt like home.

"Princess. Are you alright?"

Your gaze had drifted along with your thoughts. It was clear you needed more information. If he could increase your duties, maybe you could find out more about what the Resistance was planning. If you had access to datapads and security intel, you could try to contact someone. If you could travel, you might be able to track someone down. Someone who could give you more information.

You needed a mission. You needed a job.

You needed to figure out how the hell you were going to convince Kylo to escape the Final Order with you.

"Talk to me."

You sighed, turning your gaze away and clicking your saber off. "I don't mean to sound ungrateful," you forewarned, "and I know my duties ensuring the prosperity of the Inner Rim are essential, but lately, there's been nothing for me to do. I'm supposed to be the Empress, but I feel like nothing more than a figurehead. I love being your wife, but I want to feel important."

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