It's Just Us

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Guys. Thank you SO MUCH for 60k reads on wattpad. But thank you to ALL of you guys on whatever platform you read on--I'm so grateful for the votes, the comments, the kudos, etc. I love you all dearly.

I also wanted to let you guys know that there are probably about 5 chapters left, which means 5-10 more weeks of content. However, they will be very dense, so don't fret. There's plenty of more story coming, even if we're reaching the final stretch. 

TW: Anxiety and panic attacks

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Somehow, you'd convinced Gil to take you to the town square. It was still on the outskirts of the Palace, just past the arches. But out a small ways beyond the courtyard was a plaza filled with shops. Merchants and patrons fluttered about, each of them bowing to you as you passed. You were kind of stunned to be allowed out of the Palace following the rebel attack. But the fact that you were made your stomach tighten at the thought.

Because if Kylo was letting you out in public, that meant that any and all threats had been eliminated.


Likely in a violent blaze of fire.

But you didn't think about that. As far as you knew, those rebels weren't with the Resistance. And they were willing to sacrifice innocent children. Thankfully, the child you'd rescued had made a full recovery from her minor injuries and was sent to live with her aunt in Coruscant. From what it sounded like, she would live a safe and happy life.

You approached a stall of fine jewelry, running your fingers along gold bands and shimmering jewels. The shopkeep sputtered out his praises towards the jewelry you were wearing, going on and on about how beautiful his fine creations would look on such a glorious canvas. You smiled with flattery, choosing out a small, blue ring that somehow reminded you of home. You handed him the credits you owed plus a little extra for his kindness, and went on your way.

Passing a stall with bottles of wine, the scent of grapes and summer flooded your nose, and you practically dragged your bodyguard towards it.

"Gil, it smells so good. I have to try some."

He looks at you, eyes filled to the brim with caution. "It's not safe, Princess."

"Nonsense!" the merchant protested. "These are the finest reds and whites from all reaches of the galaxy. Perfectly fit for an Empress," he added fondly, bowing deeply. "We serve the most important diplomats and officials in Naboo. I can assure you that the Empress will be in capable hands."

"Alright," Gil said, taking a sample glass and filling it with just a splash. He brought it to his nose, inhaling deeply. Then, he handed it out to the shopkeep. "You taste it first."

Thankfully, the man didn't hesitate. Gil faced him, watching carefully, making sure he swallowed every drop, even going so far as to inspect under the man's tongue.

As Gil continued to inspect the merchant, and as the merchant was prattling on about his fine selections, suddenly, she was there.

She was completely inconspicuous. Dressed in a long, brown cloak that obscured her clothing, her hair pulled into a low, slightly frazzled bun. She was plain and short, and blended into the crowd with little effort. When she placed herself in front of you, it was as if she had simply materialized from the crowded throngs of people that flooded the plaza.

"The General sends her regards. Are you safe?" she whispered, leaning up to whisper into your ear.

Your eyes went wide and you nodded, thinking it best to stay silent. Gil was inches away.

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