chapter twenty-seven: pepper's boyfriend-part one

Start from the beginning

"You never did tell me what happened that night." Bucky realised.

"What happens in therapy, stays in therapy."

"I had to pick you both up from jail because some poor therapist thought you had escaped from the psychiatric ward and tried to brainwash her." Bucky deadpanned.

"It was a misunderstanding!"

"Guys." Steve spoke, trying to get their attention.

"A misunderstanding? She claimed that whatever was going on in your minds is 'untreatable'!"

Sam gasped.

"Guys!" Steve said again, a little louder this time but neither of them seemed to hear.

"I'll have to go back and have a few words with that woman." Sam grumbled

"Your restraining order says-"

"Guys!" Steve finally yelled, getting their attention.

"What?" They both asked.

Steve didn't day a word and simply nodded towards the door.

Bucky looked up and felt his breath catch in his throat and his heart hammer in his chest.

There stood Aurora Amedeo, looking as beautiful as ever, as she entered the room.

She wore a silky viridian bodycon dress that hugged her figure tightly and Bucky resisted the urge to go over there and slip his arm around her waist, just so everyone knew she that was his.

The dress stopped at her thigh, low enough to reach her mid-thigh but high enough for Bucky to know she wasn't going to be wearing it for long.

He couldn't find the right words to describe how she looked, but ethereal seemed to fit.

"She looks..." Sam was at a loss for words at the sight of his best friend. "Wow." He breathed. He and Rory were just friends but, fucking hell, he wasn't blind.

Bucky didn't say anything, too busy taking in the sight of the girl he couldn't believe was his. 'not yet, anyway'

Steve nudged him, bringing him out his love-struck trance.

"Go over to her." He encouraged his best friend.

"You don't have to tell me twice."

Bucky took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves.

'it's just rory' He tried to convince himself. But was she ever just Rory?

He walked towards her, trying not to smile as she laughed at something Natasha said.

He walked until he was stood right bedside her, though it didn't seem she noticed. But Nat did.

Natasha smiled a knowing smile at Bucky before excusing herself, saying a small 'good luck' to Rory who didn't quite understand why.

"Rora." He breathed, and she finally looked up.

He would never admit it but he could get lost in her stormy eyes that seemed to hold so much life and happiness in them.

"Bucky." She smiled. A real smile. One of those smiles that makes the corners of your eyes crinkle and your cheeks hurt a little. He noticed she didn't use a nickname. "You look handsome." Her cheeks flushed pink as she said it but if you ask her, it was just the light.

"As do you." He smiled before his eyes widened comically. "N-not handsome! Y-you look, uh," She smiled, waiting patiently as he racked his brain for a word that possibly could live up to her beauty. "ineffable." He blurted.

"Ineffable?" She laughed lightly, taking a sip of her cocktail. He nodded, cheeks a violent red. "I'll take it."

"Rory, you're here!" Pepper Potts called, appearing out of nowhere.

"Did Nick teach you how to do that? Because I asked him and-"

"Are you drunk, Rory?"



word count: 1408 (what the fuck?)

to! be! continued!

okay so, this is the kinda dress i imagine rory to be wearing

okay so, this is the kinda dress i imagine rory to be wearing

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but like silky?? i don't even know

bucky, internally, when he sees rory:

bucky, internally, when he sees rory:

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thanks for reading-k♡

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