Chapter Two: Negotiations

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The following day, Taehyung walked down the corridor to the guest quarters, ready to show Irene around the city.

Uncertainty was crawling beneath his skin, but he knew that the woman was trustworthy. After his cryptic conversation with Namjoon, he had decided to try and befriend the beta, political interests aside.

He arrived at the white painted doors, the golden details gleaming in the morning sun. Taehyung took a deep breath and knocked at the door, which immediately got opened by an alpha around his age.

He had a sharp jawline, and his eyes were squinted in mistrust.

Taehyung gulped his fear down and fought the urge to bow; this was his home.

"Good morning. I am here to pick Miss Irene up for a guided tour of Ylando," he stated, his gaze directed at the alpha's chest.

Whether this was his home or not, he knew not to challenge an alpha by looking directly into their eyes.

Silence followed, then a scoff.

"You Westerners are always so polite, aren't you?" the alpha answered with a deep voice, and the body in front of him did not move out of his way.

"I am trying my best," Taehyung replied, his gaze unwavering and his stance firm.

Before the alpha could respond, another voice chimed in.

"Jackson! Stop trying to scare our host," Irene's voice resonated, and soon enough, the beta stood in the doorframe.

Jackson scoffed again, and Taehyung saw his muscles tense. "Is what he is blabbering true?"

"It is. And now, if you would excuse us, I have a city to see," she announced, her voice not allowing back talk.

The alpha grumbled but stepped away, letting Irene pass and close the door behind her. She must've seen Taehyung relax because she gave him an apologetic smile.

"I am sorry."

Taehyung just waved it off, "It is alright. It is not like he went at my throat or something."

Irene sighed, and Taehyung felt pity for her.

"That still is not an excuse to talk down on you. This is your home, and King Namjoon was kind enough to provide us with a place to stay," she murmured, walking alongside him.

Taehyung finally got the courage to look at her and smiled.

Her gown was much more fit for the western climate, the intricate yellow fabric gracefully flowing around her legs, ending just under her knees. The shoulder parts were embroidered with white pearls, and she wore a pendant in the form of a snowflake.

Only now, Taehyung saw how fair the rest of her skin was, the yellow almost looking dark in comparison. He couldn't help but look at his own hands, noticing how tanned he was.

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