Chapter 65. Arson

Start from the beginning

"Welp I get that a lot nowadays thanxx," Namjoon said.

"Why are you here anyway? They are mean but you look kinda nice" Kate was confused.

"Oh well S.Coups is an old friend of mine and I don't wanna leave him behind you know, but thank you for thinking of me that way I try to be nice," he said and got up to leave.

"You going? Now?" kate got a little sad, that place was boring.

"Don't worry like Mr.Choi said you won't be lonely for long" Namjoon said and as he was about to close the door Kate spoke.

"Don't go after that though they are not just kids trust me, I live with them."

Namjoon thought for a second there then closed the door and locked it. Kate heard the door lock and for about two more hours no one would come to check on her. 

"You bitch come and untie me now this position is making my body aches" right when she said that from the window came the rescue. The window bars just like everything else was old and needed some work done.

"Yah don't shout they will hear!" he said while trying to untie her.

"Did you tell the rest not to come?" she asked once her hands were free.

"And I oop-" he said.

"Soobin I swear to god if it wasn't for you saving my ass I would have killed you," she said in anger. Her legs were free after some more cutting.

"Hey, I came here as fast as I could after I checked the car's ID! They left me with Wooyoung and they just ran out and I forgot to tell them I know where you are okay" Soobin said getting up defending himself.

"Okay okay let's just go and hope we catch them midway..." she sighed heavily and stuck her head out to see for any guards.

"just jump is not that high and no one will see you they think you locked up," Soobin said looking at the door to make sure no one was around.

"They don't have security?" she asked in disbelief.

"They do but Anna is a little stupid and never realized when she activated her cameras it interfered with these cameras and the police ones" Kate widened her eyes as she was getting out of the window.

"she could do that but she is dumb as hell?" she asked.

"Or maybe it was Hueningkai or Niki I don't even know, maybe the stupidity made her smart for once without her realizing who even knows," Soobin said.

"I will go with the Huningkai or Niki option thank you very much," Kate said as she was about to jump down.

"You are welcomed," said Soobin, and Kate let herself go. Soobin jumped right after. when they were surely safe on the ground they ran for dear life.

At the Hospital

Everyone was panicking as to where could Soobin be. It's been 30 minutes and he is still not found. He was last seen leaving the building but Seonghwa just wanted to make himself get gray hair before it was the time.

"Why hasn't he opened the phone?! He never ignores or misses our calls even in mid-class period" he was biting his nails a habit when he is anxious.

"His phone may be dead who knows..." Yunho tried to calm his older brother down.

"Yunho is right don't worry too much. In the camera, no one was following him and he also took a cab so he is safe okay" Yeosang grab Seonghwa and sat him down on the couch in from of Wooyung's bed.

"Okay...Okay, I'm calm... I'm calm" he ran his hand through his hair.

As Seonghwa said this the door opened and Soobin came in like an innocent child.

"You bitch..." Seonghwa got up from his seat as soon as he saw Soobin and would have killed him if it wasn't for the rest except Wooyoung holding Seonghwa back.

"Bold of you to assume I didn't die or anything," Soobin said to clear himself from any sin.

"Give me one reason not to let Seonghwa go and keep you alive?" asked Yeosang.

"Well I did a good thing and a bad thing...which one do you wanna know first," Soobin said.

"The bad so we can feel good the good news" Wooyoung suggested.

"So the good thing is that I actually..." Soobin started not listening to Wooyoung and opened the door revealing Kate behind it.

"I got Kate out..." bold of you to assume they were not shocked.

"How??" San asked letting go of Seonghwa.

"And the bad thing is that I forgot to tell the rest that I knew where she was and that I was gonna get her..."

"How for god sake!!" Wooyoung said.

"Well I got the car's ID and tracked it down then I got to know the cameras they have don't work and I took this opportunity to go there then I climbed up because it wasnßt that high then I saw that the window bars were old and could be placed out easily but then Mr. Namjoon came there and I had to stay hanging fro the window for 25 minutes hoping gravity had mercy on me them I got her out because they were careless"

"So we have to tell them to come back?" Yunho asked. San nodded and was about to call his little brother until Yeosang took his phone and turned it off.

"Why did you do that?" said San.

"Let them finish their work, they are bad but knowing them they are gonna commit arson so let them be," Yeosang said as if it's okay to commit arson.

That moment got me falling for you and only you ❀WooSan❀Where stories live. Discover now