"Have you heard about Mitsuki's son?" Her mother asks her, and she's glad that the change of subject distracts her from her thoughts.

Who's Mitsuki's son? (Y/N) thinks, and her confusion must have been apparent because he mother elaborates. "I think his name was Katsuki or something. Is that what it is?"

She looks around for confirmation and (Y/N)'s father answers, "Yeah. I think that's what it is. But (Y/N) should know this, you're friends with him."

"I didn't know his mother's name," she says, ignoring the obvious fact that she and Bakugou Katsuki were not friends. "Bakugou Katsuki, right? Yeah, I know him. But how do you know him?"

"I'm friends with all the mothers in your middle school," her mother responds. "The important ones, anyway. Your friend also got into UA. His mother texted me so should I give her the good news from our side as well?"

Her life flashes before her eyes. "No!" she yells and when she realizes how strange that might have seemed, she composes herself. "I want it to be a secret so he's surprised."

Her mother nods, but her father doesn't seem to buy it just yet.

"He's quite an aggressive fellow. How did you even become friends with him?"

"My friend Matsumoto's boyfriend is friends with him, so I guess we just got to know each other that way." As soon as the word 'friend' leaves her lips, she feels a bitter taste in her mouth. Some friends they were. The same can go for her.

"Matsumoto was so nice," her mother hums. "So polite too. We should have her over again sometimes. They're a good pair, aren't they, Matsumoto and Akimiya?"

"Yeah, I guess," (Y/N) replies blandly, annoyed by the conversation. "I'm tired now so I'm heading upstairs."

As she walks away, she hears her parents whisper but she doesn't pay them any heed.

UA, huh?

(Y/N) plops down on her bed and pulls out her phone. She types the website's name on her browser again and goes through UA's official page. I'm really a part of this.

It's exciting that she will be now lumped in with all these great people. After all, the hero course is the hardest thing to get into. She still can't comprehend how she was able to get in, but it still makes her feel proud. However, she can't stop the nagging feeling that she isn't supposed to be here, next to all these people who have done great things and will continue to do so.

Compared to them, she's just average.

She clicks on a subpage of UA's website and comes across something titled "Student Life." The page shows various locations, such as the cafeteria, ground beta, and the recreation centers. For students in general studies, it focuses on club activities and for support courses, it shows the work sites.

It's all fascinating, but a little section on the bottom catches her eye. The section has a little icon of a smartphone and a blurb that talks about the importance of networking.

"Want to join a chatting app with students from your school and program?" The text reads, "Install UANET now, the official app for UA students."

Underneath it is a link that leads to the play store, and deciding that she needs friends anyway, she decides to install it.

The registration process is pretty simple. All she is required to provide is the school ID number she received on her letter and a valid email as well as a password. Then, it automatically places her in the set class and program. She swipes to the section that shows her other classmates and all she finds is another student named Iida Tenya.

"That's so embarrassing."

She should have waited a little bit to join, but her excitement had gotten the best of her. She contemplates whether or not she should delete her account and register once again after a bit more time has passed when she hears a ping.

[New Message!]

Iida Tenya: Hello. I see that you're also a student attending. . . . .



sorry for ghosting
you guys lmao
school got

iida friend arc? 😳

anyways, iida friend arc? 😳

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