29. Not a date

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"Right, right" Spencer nodded.


"Spence!" Spencer heard from behind her.

"Abby, hey" Spencer replied as Abigail jogged up to her.

"Hi" Abigail smiled, "Hi" Spencer repeated.

"So, what's the plan?" Spencer asked.

"I thought a walk around town would be nice? Maybe lunch?" she asked.

Spencer nodded as they walked out of the castle.

"So... how are you?" Abigail asked.

"I'm good, yeah, you?" Spencer replied.

"Same same" Abigail replied nodding.

Spencer nodded back. "Do you know what you want to do after Hogwarts?" she asked to make conversation.

"Hmm," Abigail replied, "nothing set in stone" she shrugged. "Maybe travel in America?" she answered.

"America?" Spencer said looking up at her, "What's in America?" she asked intrigued.

"I dunno" Abigail smiled, "that's why I wanna go" she added.

"Right" Spencer chuckled.

"You?" Abigail asked.

"I don't know yet... it seems as if it's so far away but it's not" Spencer replied. She turned to look at Abigail "with everything going on... who knows" she shrugged.

"Right" Abigail replied looking down. "You could get murdered tomorrow by the infamous Sirius Black" Abigail laughed.

"Yeah" Spencer awkwardly chuckled. "Right" she said in a low voice.

They walked into town and went into a couple stores, Spencer studied Abigail. She quite couldn't understand what this was yet. She couldn't understand her.

"What do you think of this?" Abigail asked, taking Spencer out of her thoughts.

Abigail held in her hand a necklace, "pretty" Spencer answered with a smile.

"No, I mean" Abigail giggled. She showed Spencer the paper that came along with the necklace.

Spencer chuckled at the paper and handed it back to Abigail.

"What?" Abigail giggled.

"Magic's nice and all but I don't think a necklace can grant eternal beauty Abby" Spencer laughed as she turned around and looked at the stuff nearby.

"Right, I bet you wouldn't change at all" Abigail murmured as she set the necklace down.

"Sorry?" Spencer asked as she turned around.

"I'm starving" Abigail answered as her cheeks turned pink. "Wanna go for a bite?" she asked.

"Sure" Spencer smiled.


"I just think that- oh don't look at me like that" Spencer laughed as she reached for her glass of water.

"I didn't say anything" Abigail laughed.

Spencer shook her head with a grin, "Is it really that hard to believe in divination? I mean I hardly believed in magic when it started to show up"

"I don't know Spence," Abigail giggled, "I think it's a load of rubbish"

"I wonder why you believe in it and I don't" Abigail giggled.

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